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AngelWingsGedichten van Angel-Wings


Dans voor mij
Toon mij je jeugdige kracht
Had ik ooit
Jij toen
Wij nu
In tijd
Elkaar gevonden
In Nu
En niet dit te later
Dan was de liefde
groter geweest
Maar ik leg mij neder
In de weiden naast de leeuw
Als een mak lam
Wij weten
Meer niet
Dat is genoeg toch?

Faithful in your love, my fame has spread, candle-like
At the home of the homeless, I make my bed, candle-like.
Day and night, from sorrows, sleep escapes from my eyes
Sick of being apart, my eyes are teary, red, candle-like.
Scissors of sorrows have cut my patience’ string
Flame of your love burns upon my weary head, candle-like.
If my bloody tears fail to bring color to my cheeks
How else can my secret tales ever be said, candle-like?
Amidst water & fire, my head is busy with your thoughts
While my heart flooded with tears it needs to shed, candle-like.
In the night of separation, send butterfly of union
Else from your pain the world I’ll burn & shred, candle-like.
Without your beautiful vision, my day is night
With the love I have bred, my flaws I dread, candle-like.
My patience is eroding, like a mountain from sorrows’ rains
In the ocean of your love, path of fire I tread, candle-like.
Like dawn, I blow one breath to see your face
Show yourself O Beloved, else I’ll be dead, candle-like.
Honor me one night with your union, my friend
Let your light, light up my house & spread, candle-like.
Fire of your love caught on Hafiz’s head
When will my heart’s fire, my tears wed, candle-like?

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