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Astrologie en Nummerologie

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Interpretation for angelwings

Ascendant 27°32′ Scorpio

Your self-controlled, quiet, penetrating personality can lead to deep understanding and power. Other people see you as being mysterious.
Sun 22°17′ Aries

Confidence and self-reliance are natural assets; you are independent, strong, decisive, and you like to be in charge of your life.
Sun in house 5

You have an abundance of creative energy and have a strong need to project yourself into the world in ways that express your individuality.
Moon 24°44′ Taurus

You are even-tempered and seek domestic stability and peace. You tend to be very fixed in your habits and resistant to change.
Moon in house 7

Close friendship is very important to you. You need to share your deepest feelings and feel completely comfortable with friends.
Mercury 27°31′ Pisces

You are an intuitive and sensitive thinker. You have a refined sensitivity to art, music, and poetry.
Mercury in house 4

Subjects of interest for you include psychology, particularly symbolism and family relationships and heritage.
Venus 28°12′ Taurus

You are sensual, physically oriented, and you respond very strongly to the physical beauty of the opposite sex.
Venus in house 7

Loving friendships are a very high priority for you. You are helpful and unselfish in relationships.
Mars 25°46′ Libra

You love to see people cooperating and working together. Sometimes you try too hard to get others to cooperate.
Mars in house 11

You are active in groups, clubs, organizations, and businesses. You perform well in administrative or cooperative positions.
Jupiter 25°12′ Cancer

You are a warm and friendly person. You like to build a secure position for yourself and family.
Jupiter in house 8

Generosity is one of your virtues, but sometimes you are indiscriminate. You may sometimes be overly generous.
Saturn 04°56′ Aries

You strike to the essence of an idea of situation, and are not impressed with the flowery embellishments.
Saturn in house 4

Ties with family tradition and ancestry have a very significant influence on your life.
Uranus 21°09′ Virgo

You like to give new life to traditional values and ethics. You seek purity and high morals.
Uranus in house 10

You refuse to submit to a rigid routine, and you quickly become a controversial person in your field.
Neptune 23°47′ Scorpio

You have strong interests in mysticism, after-life, meditation etc.
Neptune in house 12

You are a deeply religious and sensitive person, with strong psychic ability. You may be over-sensitive psychically.
Pluto 18°30′ Virgo

You are ethical, well-mannered and refined. You will try to arrest pollution of food and environment.
Pluto in house 9

You are intrigued with belief systems and philosophies, and you delve deeply into the historical and psychological roots of any ideology.
Sun Opposition Mars

You are very competitive and you strive to get to the top. You also seek the right connections and associations to bolster your capabilities.
Sun Square Jupiter

Success is very important to you, and you love the comfort and power that success and money bring.
Moon Conjunct Venus

Kindness and consideration are your virtues. You are a strongly loving person. Close friends, family, and marriage are important to you.
Moon Trine Uranus

You express yourself in an uninhibited, spontaneous style. You are very expressive and help others to loosen up and express themselves more freely.
Moon Opposition Neptune

You have a strong need to share deep inner-felt ideals and dreams with others. However, your tastes may be too strange or exotic for most people.
Moon Trine Pluto

You fully express your feelings, giving vent to any deep-rooted feeling. You help others feel better about letting go also.
Moon Opposition Ascendant

Your warm, sympathetic, non-competitive way of relating to others makes you well-liked and attracts many friends. You are supportive in partnerships.
Moon Trine Mc

You succeed in careers that involve you with the public or large groups of people. You gain sense of personal fulfillment from serving the public.
Mercury Trine Jupiter

You enjoy travelling, meeting new people, and learning new things. Your mental comprehension is good. Detailed information does not appeal to you.
Mercury Conjunct Saturn

Your thinking is slow, logical, methodical, simple, and thorough. You break a problem down into its constituent components.
Mercury Opposition Uranus

Your quick and witty mind gives you the abiltiy to spontaneously find just the right words when needed; thus, you can be a good speaker or salesperson.
Mercury Trine Neptune

You have good aptitude and appreciation of poetry, fantasy, dreams, and religion. You have a good intuitive understanding of others.
Mercury Trine Ascendant

You are perceptive and witty. You communicate well, being able to aptly phrase ideas so that others can grasp them.
Mercury Opposition Mc

You have good general aptitude for psychology, art, history, and humanities in general. Inner experiences are more important to you than objective facts.
Venus Opposition Neptune

You tend to fall in love with an idealized image of a person. You can fall into a love dream that blinds your vision and may become disappointed later.
Venus Opposition Ascendant

You are a loving, generous friend and are well-liked by all. Finding the right mate and marital and romantic fulfillment is very important to you.
Venus Trine Mc

You have a keen sense of beauty and art. You have good powers of artistic visualization that can serve as an asset in any artistic area.
Mars Square Jupiter

No matter how much you accomplish, you are not satisfied with it. This may cause you to jump from one thing to another.
Jupiter Trine Neptune

You are unprejudiced and receptive to different attitudes, beliefs, and life styles. You are easy going, tolerant, and enjoy variety, travel and games.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant

Your cheerful, happy-go-lucky attitude attracts benefit and opportunities to you. You thoroughly enjoy socializing and mixing with many different people.
Uranus Conjunct Pluto

You are independent, rebellious and freedom-loving. You thrive on spontaneity, improvisation, and freedom.
Uranus Conjunct Mc

You implement your innovative and inventive spirit in your career. You are impatient with conservative people and their resistance to new ideas.
Neptune Conjunct Ascendant

You have a receptive, sensitive, impressionable personality. You empathize well with others and are prone to give others the benefit of the doubt.
Pluto Conjunct Mc

Whether your personality is forceful or not, you wield a subtle magnetic influence over others. Your tough exterior often masks deep inner turmoil.

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