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I.v.m al die internethelden die zoveel vriendelijkheid tentoonspreiden online.
Bv aangaande Gordon en Barbie…
(pff heb inmiddels wel zoveel gelezen…de tranen springen in je ogen, zijn dit je medelanders… je zou het eerder waterlanders noemen! Damn..dit meen je toch niet echt?
Ja hoor zij wel… veel plezier met gemeen zijn richting anderen!!! Ik zei al, mensen die goed in hun vel steken doen zo niet richting anderen.)




Just laugh and smile, because you eventually learn you can't change them #shittyhumans #begladyourenotone

Yes❤️. They don't. Even if bullies think they justified their judgments. All bullies think the other person deserves it for some reason.


Good riddance! | Narcissism Revealed on Instagram: “Lol ”

Yeah and they tell you you’ve changed when in reality it was them who made you the way you are...

People Quotes some people have to pretend you're the bad person so they don't feel guilty about the shitty things they did to you. God forbid they be accountable for their bullshit.

Look at their past and how many times they've had the same issue with different people! Of the same problem exists with different people it's usually the person complaining and pin pointing it on everyone else... it's hard to see your own flaws and bad behavior when your whole life is a drama filled mistake

Or when they tell you...because sometimes they will flat out tell you "I'm a bad person" ...BELIEVE THEM

Narcissist ... it still makes me unbelievably sad to notice that this is the way you are, Jessi.

Some people aren't really all that they "post" to be.

Argh klaar met schuldgevoelens... ja ik heb mensen pijn gedaan, kijk in de spiegel en vraag je eens af; heb ik de dingen niet van tevoren aangegeven? It wasn't out of the blue, you know!

@hedviggen?? found on pinterest | so true | words | quotes | positive | quotation | quote | inspiration | motivation | words of wisdom | typography | fonts (Relationship Positions)

Or as Dr Phil says..."You teach people how to treat you"!!-- i never understood this til i learned how to put my foot down.

Curiano Quotes Life - Quotes, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote, and Inspirational Quotes.

Listen carefully..plzz

To bad I always choose the ones that dit not love me this way

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