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Energetica, entiteiten, geestenSpiritueel



De aura is een ‘gekleurd etherisch energieveld’ dat ieder levend wezen uit- en omstraalt. Dit energieveld is opgebouwd uit trillingen van fijnstoffelijke, subtiele krachten, waarvan de kleuren ons kunnen vertellen hoe het er met iemands welzijn voor staat.
Bij een gezond mens heeft ze de vorm van een ellips, die zich tweeënhalf tot drie meter buiten het lichaam uitstrekt. Hoe gezonder de lichamelijke en spirituele conditie is, des te vitaler is het aura-krachtveld en daarmee de energie om dingen te doen of te ondernemen. Een verzwakte aura heeft vermoeidheid en verminderde weerstand tot gevolg, waardoor u gemakkelijk te beïnvloeden bent. Inzicht in de kleur en vorm van de aura kan veel vertellen over zowel het karakter als de lichamelijke conditie maar ook de emotionele fase, het verleden, zelfs de geschiedenis uit vorige levens van de mensen om ons heen. Er bestaan diverse methoden om de kleuren van de aura te leren zien, de betekenis daar van te duiden, haar kracht te meten en haar, waar nodig, op te laden.
De Aura kun je leren beheersen, het is beweegbaar en te sturen. Healings gebeuren vaak op dit energetisch (hogere) niveau en en het effect daarvan zal daarom later pas vorm krijgen in het fysieke lichaam. Er bestaat een manier om foto’s te nemen van de Aura, de zgn Aura-foto’s. Deze foto’s worden in Nederland o.a. gemaakt door de firma “the Dreamcatcher”. (zie Links voor adres) Kijk ook eens voor voorbeelden bij:



Aura’s hun kleuren en betekenis
Rood – aktiviteit, extrovertheid, beweging, vitaliteit, nervositeit, emotionaliteit

Lichtrood – enthousiastme, vreugde, erotiek, seksualiteit, sensibiliteit, dominantie, vastberadenheid

Donkerrood – daadkracht, wil, mannelijkheid, woede, ergernis, leidersnatuur, moed, boosheid

Donkerbruin – egoïsme, liefdeloosheid, aardegebonden, afhankelijkheid, ziekte, vernietiging

Oranje – creativiteit, actieve intelligentie, zelverzekerdheid, levenslust, warmte, gevoeligheid, openheid naar de wereld toe

Oranje-geel – scherp verstand, zelfbewustzijn, ambitie

Geel – spontaniteit, intellect en verstand, organisatietalent, ego, sociale vaardigheden, originaliteit

Lichtgeel – openheid, luchtigheid, helder verstand, sterke persoonlijkheid, frisheid

Okergeel – stabiliteit, realiteit, spaarzaamheid, spanning

Groen – betrokkenheid, groei, verandering, overgave, rust, liefde

Geel-groen – sympathie, medegevoel, communicatie

Donkergroen – stijl, eigendunk, aanpassingsvermogen, levenskracht, verslagenheid, materialisme

Blauw – introvert, rust, verdieping, afstandelijkheid, eenzaamheid, waarheid, toewijding, wijsheid, stabiliteit, intuitie

Lichtblauw – toewijding aan idealen, zachtheid, eenzaamheid, gereserveerdheid

Indigo – genezende eigenschappen, goedheid, geslotenheid, serieusheid, voorzichtigheid

Lila – mystiek, magie, diepzinnigheid, tolerantie

Roze – sensibiliteit, fijngevoeligheid, emotionaliteit, vrouwelijkheid, sentimentaliteit, zachtheid, vurig verlangen

Violet – intuitie, kunst, kreativiteit, paranormale begaafdheid, geloof, fantasie, geheimzinnig, gereserveerdheid, spiritualiteit

Wit – ontwikkelde spiritualiteit, hoger bewustzijn, energiestuwing, wijsheid


The aura is the energy field, or auric body that surrounds any natural object.  The aura is invisible to the naked eye, but can be seen by clairvoyants as a halo of coloured light that surrounds the physical body. There is much similarity in how different people view auras and what colours are represented, though there may be slight differences in interpretation. The aura is the energy field that radiates out from the body powered by the chakras within us.


Although the body does have a magnetic field, it is not strong enough to account for this energy that surrounds us, and aside from the evidence of clairvoyants there is no scientific evidence that supports the idea of an aura.  The aura is used in Spiritual Healing to identify and  cure problems within the physical body.  

Having said that – a technique has been developed called Kirilian photography, which purports to represent the auric filed upon film.  But this technique is controversial to say the least.


Depending upon our health and our mood the size and colour of the aura can change.  And an individual interpretation of the colours can differ – however below is given a basic guide to the colours and what they represent.

GREENS   Green is a growth colour.  It brings to mind new beginnings, fresh growth and also health and happiness.  Green is a reflection of all things natural and is an excellent colour to remind us of natures cycles.  New beginnings and the constant cycle of growth and decay.  Green is a healing colour because it represents regeneration and regrowth.  (however green is a bad colour to use with cancer as it stimulates growth!).  In the aura green is positive as it represents a new beginning. .
BLUES Blue is a colour where the hues can be very important.  The lightest colours represent stimulation and mental intuitiveness, the darkest colours can represent melancholia.  But all blues represent the informational processes and the brain.  Dark blues are good for calming and soothing and are extremely effective in karma reduction.  But should not be over used.  Students often have light blues represented within there auras. It represents the in pouring of energy and the mental activity that they are undergoing.
Indigo/Violet This colour represents the intuitive and spiritual combination of blue and purple. Violet being present in the aura represents a great deal of protection is present. Spiritual activity is also represented in hues within this spectrum.
Reds All warning signs in life are shown as red, and colour within the aura is no different. It is a colour of activity and represents animal elements within us, all things physical and materialistic thinking.  Red can aid with circulation and heat, but is usually an indication of negative aspects.  Reds can indicate selfishness, hate or temper.   Others can represent lust and passion.   An over exposure to read makes us uncomfortable.
Oranges This is another activity colour.  It is a mixture of reds (physical) and yellows (mental).  It is one of the most commonly represented colours within auras.  It is the colour of balance and harmony.  Orange is represented in the aura of people recovering from illness.  Orange signifies the worst is past and healing is occurring.  It will usually give way to greens.  Orange represents  wakefulness and alertness so is necessary for us to maintain ourselves actively.
Yellows Yellow is representative of intellect.  Each shade represents a type of functioning or ability. Light = high thought, ruddy = timidity.  Yellow represented within the aura shows conscious mental activity represented within the area that the colour shows itself.  
Gold Gold as a colour does not refer to the ochre’s of the yellow spectrum. It represents the reflective colour.  It is rare to find it within the aura but is often represented within rays and beams.  It supplies protection and strength and represents reflective thought.  It can represent antiseptic following an injury.      
Silver Silver represents a speeding up of processing of the other colours around it.  It is often seen in guide energies.  It represents speedy usage of energy and directness of use.  
Browns Again, not a common colour in auras but can be in beams and rays.  It can be seen as a muddying effect in other colours and represents earth.  It can be a grounder and combats many of the excess energies of the other colours.  It can also represent good abilities in natural areas. They often represent a negative influence in the aura.  They can represent materialism, negativity and selfishness.
Grey Another colour that usually represents negativity in an aura.  Narrow focus is represented.  It shows conventionalism and shows a lack of imagination.  These people can be cold and hard.  It can be seen to represent depression.  It often accompanies red flecks or black areas.  
Black Black is simply the absence of colour – it represents negativity and problems.  It can often appear as a hole in an aura.  They are usually indicative of depression
White White light represents a mixture of all colours together in balance.  It is the spiritual colour and show complete balance.  We take from white what ever we need.  It is very protective.  It represents health and good being.
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