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You brought me a thousand doubts

So hard to find a combination of both, when you do don't let it go. Easy to recognize once you've had one, hard to find again,


With your long curled eyelashes
You brought me a thousand doubts
When your sleepy eye flashes
A thousand pains in me come out.

O thou, companion of my heart
Memories of friends my mind depart
There is not a day that from the start
Your memory I do not tout.

The world is baseless and old
Lovers shout out and scold
Magic spells take their hold,
This is love’s sorrowful route.

Separation puts me on fire
My circumstances are dire
May the nightly breeze inspire
With a whiff of what it’s all about.

This world of space and time
For Beloved ain’t worth a dime
Ruling the world is a crime
If Beloved is without.

If in my place, Beloved choose
Another, then I greatly lose
My life and soul I’ll refuse
Curses upon myself I spout.

At dawn sings the nightingale
O Beloved, yourself unveil
In my head I cry and wail
Of yesternight’s dreamy bout.

On my deathbed, when I rise
I’ll head straight for Paradise
If only I can keep my eyes
Upon the flame your candle sprouts.

The tale of my desires
That I cry out and shout
Unmistakably inspires
What Hafiz said without doubt.

© Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, Ca
January 27, 2000


Prachtige gedichten van Hafiz
Kwam het ooit tegen en sindsdien..wauw!

Je kunt er eigenlijk een gedicht orakelen…dit zegt dan iets…
Over je vraag…


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