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11:11 Dubbele getallen
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Namaste My Beautiful Girls…

My Beautiful Queens!
In this video you will know the answers to such questions:
1. The Relationship NOW. ( the core of it)
2.What he gets from it
3.What you get from it!
4.What upsets you
5.What upsets him
6. What you need to pay attention to
7.This is an illusion
8. Refuse from this, it works no more
9. What will happen
10. How long it will last. OUTCOME

My beautiful QUEENS.
My video suddenly stopped. Here is the SECOND PART!!!

In this video you will know the answers to such questions:
1. The Relationship NOW. ( the core of it)
2.What he gets from it
3.What you get from it!
4.What upsets you
5.What upsets him
6. What you need to pay attention to
7.This is an illusion
8. Refuse from this, it works no more
9. What will happen
10. How long it will last. OUTCOME

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