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11:11 Dubbele getallen
WijsheidMaatschappij & Psyche

Soo many of us think we want sex…

Soo many of us think we want sex…

But if you are able to look deeper onto yourself –

It is not really about sex…

It is about being seen-

Being deeply touched –

Being smiled at…

It is about laughing together…

It is about being

Deeply intimate –

Being felt-


Being held-

Feeling that someone really got your back

Feeling safety…

Feeling: you’ve got me…

I am here,
I’ve got you,
I am not running anywhere,
You are important…

Feeling of being held safely in deep compassionate power of love ❤️

That’s what we crave…

-Natasha Romanoff

Art: to be claimed

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