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Cayce Health Database

Cayce Health Database



Dementia is a medical term referring to a deterioration of mental functioning due to progressive organic disease of the brain. Persons suffering from dementia typically experience loss of intellectual abilities, such as memory, language use, and the ability to learn, solve problems, and make judgments. In its more severe forms, dementia may also produce disorientation, hallucinations, and paranoia. Social functioning is impaired and emotional responses may be atypical or inappropriate. For example, irritability and agitation may be present, with occasional verbal and physical aggression toward family or caregivers.

Family members often describe the deterioration of a demented relative as a gradual death – as a loss of the higher qualities of the mind which distinguish us as human beings. This is an ironic observation since dementia often strikes while the individual still has good physical health. Eventually, even the body succumbs.


In the past, dementia was viewed as a normal consequence of the aging process. Just as the body tended to lose its strength and suppleness with the passage of time, aging was also thought to naturally result in brain degeneration and decline in mental abilities. This view was (and still is to some extent) reflected in the term “senility.” Although in our daily lives we commonly associate senility with aging, technically it is not a useful medical term. With the increased understanding of the role of the dementias in the aging process, senility has fallen from favor. It is simply too vague in its implications to be useful to health care professionals.

Only a few years ago, senility was employed for diagnostic purposes. To understand how the change in medical terminology took place, we must look back almost a century. In 1907, Dr. Alois Alzheimer published research findings based on a case study which indicated that biological deterioration was linked to the psychological symptoms of certain forms of dementia. This important demonstration of biological causation was a crucial step in recognizing that mental illness can have a physical origin. His description of the tangled and degenerated nerve fibers clearly established the biological dimension of a process then labeled senility.

The curious feature of Alzheimer’s case study was that the patient was only fifty-one years old. The woman’s age was far too young to be considered normal for such extensive degeneration. Alzheimer believed that he had discovered a separate illness occurring before old age. Therefore, he called the disease “presenile dementia” – dementia before old age.

Although his findings were controversial, his diagnostic category was eventually accepted. An arbitrary age limit (sixty-five) was chosen. Sixty-five years of age was thought to reflect the age at which “normal” senility began. Thus, cases of dementia of unknown causation before the age of sixty-five were diagnosed as presenile dementia, while those sixty-five or older were considered senile dementia.

This bit of historical information is very important to our consideration of Edgar Cayce’s perspective. Alzheimer’s disease was not a formal diagnostic category during Cayce’s lifetime. As one would expect, when he did use diagnostic labels, Cayce tended to use terms commonly in use among the health care professionals of his era.

Therefore, many of the readings which appear to be describing Alzheimer-type pathology, simply mention senility as the problem. Apparently, he did recognize the generally accepted medical distinction between presenile and senile dementia. For example, he used the term “premature senility” to distinguish dementia with an earlier onset. However, in terms of treatment, he adopted a position more in line with modern medical thinking. He tended to ignore the distinction by treating them as one disorder.

Until the late 1960s, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) was viewed as the major cause of senile dementia. This view changed when researchers established that large amounts of fatty deposits could be found in the brain’s arterial walls of both demented and normal elderly individuals. Furthermore, approximately half of the brains of persons suffering from dementia showed no signs of significant arteriosclerosis. So, while some cases of dementia could be attributed to vascular disease, it was not viewed as a major factor.

Research also clarified the nature of the brain lesions in both presenile and senile dementia. The brain pathology was identical. Apparently, the age distinction of sixty-five years was not relevant in making a diagnosis. Medical terminology was modified to reflect this recognition. The two groups were combined and called dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT).

With further research, this nomenclature could change again. While medical science tends to focus on diseases as specific conditions (with specific causes and specific cures), there is a growing recognition of the complexity of major illnesses such as Alzheimer’s dementia. In other words, this dementia may consist of a group of related diseases with different causes and course of illness which result in the characteristic destruction of brain tissue associated with Alzheimer’s dementia.

The possibility that a variety of factors may be involved in Alzheimer’s dementia is apparent from the list of suspected causes. We will briefly consider the most prominent of these suspects.


While the cause of Alzheimer’s dementia is unknown, there are several theories which have attracted considerable attention. Researchers have proposed that it may result from viral infections which attack brain cells and cause slow deterioration of nerve tissue. Parallels have been drawn to two similar diseases of the brain (kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) which are known to result from viral infection. Scientists at the National Institute of Health have explored the possibility of a viral link in Alzheimer’s dementia by taking brain cells from deceased victims and placing the diseased cells in laboratory dishes containing normal cells. In certain cases, the diseased tissues appeared to cause the normal cells to die.

In related experiments, diseased cells were injected into the brains of chimpanzees. Two of the six experimental animals developed a progressive neurological disease.

Unfortunately, further research failed to support the results of either of these types of experiment. As we shall see, this pattern of apparent initial breakthrough followed by failure of experimental confirmation is common in research of this disorder.

For example, it is widely accepted that aluminum toxicity can produce brain degeneration similar to the lesions of Alzheimer’s dementia. Findings on experimental animals have shown that injections of aluminum compounds produce neurological tangles in the brain similar to those found in Alzheimer’s dementia. Early in the 1970s, researchers at the University of Toronto explored a possible connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s dementia. Their findings were dramatic. Autopsies of brains from patients who had been diagnosed as Alzheimer’s dementia contained as much as 30 times more aluminum than normal brains.

However, subsequent research has clouded these findings. Investigators at the University of Kentucky failed to find significant amounts of aluminum in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients even though these individuals had spent a life time drinking local water containing high levels of aluminum.

So we are left with the question of whether aluminum toxicity might be a cause of Alzheimer’s dementia. This is a particularly fascinating aspect of the Alzheimer’s puzzle since the Edgar Cayce readings were cautioning against the use of aluminum cooking utensils decades before researchers became aware of its potential link with a major brain disease.

Currently, scientists are focusing a great deal of attention on the genetic aspects of Alzheimer’s dementia. Research indicates that children of parents with the disease have a 50% chance of developing the illness. Furthermore, these individuals are more likely to exhibit the symptoms much earlier with a more rapid progression in the degenerative process.

The genetic link is further emphasized by studies connecting Alzheimer’s dementia with Down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome is a developmental disorder in which a child is born mentally retarded. It is caused by a flaw in the genetic material of the afflicted person. These individuals have an extra copy of chromosome 21.

Persons with Down’s syndrome who survive beyond the age of forty typically suffer brain degeneration similar to Alzheimer’s dementia. Furthermore, the frequency of Down’s syndrome is 10 times higher among families of persons who experience early onset Alzheimer’s dementia.

As persuasive as the genetic studies are, we should be cautious in interpreting their meaning. Genetics is not likely to hold all the answers to the Alzheimer’s puzzle. For example, even with identical twins, one twin may develop the disease while the other does not. Obviously, there are additional factors at work here. Perhaps certain genetic factors can make an individual vulnerable to developing Alzheimer’s dementia while other factors (such as environment or lifestyle) can increase a person’s vulnerability. We will address this possibility in a later chapter which focuses on preventing dementia.

Direct brain insult is another possible cause of Alzheimer’s dementia. It is known that persons whose brains have been seriously jarred or who have experienced repeated blows to the head may develop the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. For example, prize fighters who have received numerous punches to the head over a period of years may develop “boxer’s dementia,” an irreversible dementia with symptoms and brain degeneration very similar to Alzheimer’s.

Glandular abnormalities have been linked to Alzheimer’s dementia. Researchers at Duke University have found a significantly higher frequency of prior thyroid disease in women patients suffering from Alzheimer’s than in control subjects. Furthermore, studies at the University of Minnesota suggest that the immune system may play a part in Alzheimer’s dementia.

These findings result from statistical analysis of biographical data collected from patients and control subjects. Correlating life history patterns with specific biological pathology has been more difficult. One of the most promising models links certain forms of Alzheimer’s dementia with disorders comprising the “thyroid-gastric-adrenal-thymic autoimmune syndrome.” It is likely that future research will uncover more extensive connections between glandular dysfunction and Alzheimer’s dementia.

We have looked at only a few of the most prominent theories explaining the causes of Alzheimer’s dementia. New hypotheses and variations on the older theories are being proposed continually. The bottom line at this point in time is that we really do not know what causes Alzheimer’s dementia.


Like many of the other dementias, Alzheimer’s disease results in the progressive loss of “higher” functions, such as thinking, reasoning and memory. It destroys the distinctive qualities of mentality which make us human.

The deterioration is usually gradual, beginning with mild symptoms (such as forgetfulness of minor things like phone numbers or dental appointments). This decline is often accompanied by difficulty in learning new information. As the nervous system becomes more incapacitated, patients may have difficulty controlling their bodies or moving smoothly. Emotional problems commonly develop. The degeneration in functioning may produce deep depression, crying spells or temper tantrums.


While the course of Alzheimer’s dementia may vary in individual cases, the ultimate prognosis is the same – incurable, with progressive decline in functioning at all levels. Premature death can be expected, either directly, as the result of the organic deterioration, or by related syndromes which are caused or exacerbated by the dementia.


Whereas some of the other dementias are treatable (and even curable if the cause is detected and amenable to therapy), the therapeutic options available for Alzheimer’s dementia are mainly limited to adaptive measures. That is, when faced with an incurable progressive illness, the usual strategy is to minimize the effects on patient and family. Rather than directly treating the illness, therapy involves adapting to it.

These adaptive measures range from behavioral interventions (which organize and simplify daily activities) to general physical interventions (such as basic health maintenance). For example, basic health maintenance might involve bowel regulation. Constipation is often a problem for persons suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia. Dietary changes, drinking adequate water and the use of laxatives can help to address this problem.

Individual counseling and support groups for caregivers are two additional forms of therapy which can facilitate the process of adaptation. For many families, institutional care (such as nursing homes) represents the final stage of adaptation.

Research has yielded some promising medicinal therapies over the years. Unfortunately, these drugs have not produced consistent results under the rigors of scientific standards of confirmation. Consequently, the therapeutic effectiveness of drug therapy for Alzheimer’s dementia is controversial.

Antidepressant medications are commonly prescribed for persons with Alzheimer’s dementia since depression is one of the most frequent and debilitating symptoms associated with the disease. Again, however, these drugs do not directly treat the dementia, they are only adaptive measures intended to provide limited symptomatic relief.


Edgar Cayce gave many readings for persons suffering from dementia. The readings are in close agreement with modern medicine on the physical pathology of the dementias.

Repeatedly, Edgar Cayce provided graphic descriptions of the nervous system deterioration indicative of these disorders. One almost gets the sense that Cayce used his consciousness as a modern researcher might use a high-tech probe or brain scan. Often, Cayce’s perspective was from the inside of the body, moving freely among the organs and tissue. His portrayal of the delicate interactions within and between the nervous systems is particularly fascinating. Without going into the technical aspects of anatomy and physiology, the important point is that Edgar Cayce anticipated the results of modern brain research which regards dementia as a progressive degeneration of nerve tissue in the brain.

However, Edgar Cayce’s perspective goes beyond brain pathology. The Cayce readings discuss how the brain is dependent upon the rest of the body for its moment to moment existence. Without the continual removal of metabolic waste and the supplying of nutrients, nerve cells in the brain will die in only a few minutes. Cayce explained that the various organs of assimilation and elimination are important in the cause and treatment of dementias such as Alzheimer’s dementia. Cayce also emphasized the importance of “drainages” and nervous system coordination.

Edgar Cayce also recommended the use of electrotherapy to stimulate nerve regeneration. The use of psychological techniques such as hypnotherapy was suggested. Finally, the spiritual aspects of treatment were also strongly emphasized.

To summarize, Edgar Cayce provided numerous readings describing the pathological process and giving recommendations for the treatment of dementia. In general, his approach was to assist the body in cleansing and nurturing the nerve tissue in the brain by a variety of physical, mental and spiritual therapies. In fact, Edgar Cayce even provided a “formula” for rebuilding the brain in cases of dementia.


In reading 1800-16, Edgar Cayce laid out the basics of a treatment approach for dementia.
The key elements are:

Electrotherapy with gold and silver “vibratory” solutions.
Spinal manipulations to improve nervous system coordination and eliminations.
Suggestive therapeutics (a form of natural hypnosis).
Patience (a key spiritual attribute).
Other activities in the system, including improved assimilations, circulation and eliminations.
Edgar Cayce’s approach to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is described in a book titled Alzheimer’s Disease and the Dementias: An Alternative Approach Based on the Readings of Edgar Cayce written by David McMillin. Cayce’s approach to nervous system regeneration is discussed in detail in Principles and Techniques of Nerve Regeneration. Both books are available from A.R.E. Press.


Check, William, A. Alzheimer’s Disease. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1989.

Selkoe, Dennis J. “Amyloid Protein and Alzheimer’s Disease,” Scientific American (November, 1991).

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database


Sinusitis simply means inflammation of the sinuses. Chronic sinusitis, sinusitis that recurs frequently, affects an estimated 32 million people in the United States. Americans spend millions of dollars each year for medications that promise relief from their sinus symptoms. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health)

Sinusitis has its own localized pain signals, depending upon the particular sinus affected. Headache upon awakening in the morning is characteristic of sinus involvement. Pain when the forehead over the frontal sinuses is touched may indicate inflammation of the frontal sinuses. Infection in the maxillary sinuses can cause the upper jaw and teeth to ache and the cheeks to become tender to the touch. Since the ethmoid sinuses are near the tear ducts in the corner of the eyes, inflammation of these cavities often causes swelling of the eyelids and tissues around the eyes and pain between the eyes. Ethmoid inflammation also can cause tenderness when the sides of the nose are touched, a loss of smell, and a stuffy nose. Although the sphenoid sinuses are less frequently affected, infection in this area can cause earaches, neck pain, and deep aching at the top of the head.

Other symptoms of sinusitis can include fever, weakness, tiredness, a cough that may be more severe at night, and runny nose or nasal congestion. In addition, drainage of mucus from the sphenoids down the back of the throat (postnasal drip) can cause a sore throat and can irritate the membranes lining the larynx (upper windpipe).

Sinusitis can be caused by a variety of factors, such as virus, fungal infections, and medication side-effects. Chronic inflammation of the nasal passages (rhinitis) also can lead to sinusitis. Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is the most common cause of chronic sinusitis and is a frequent cause of acute sinusitis. Vasomotor rhinitis, caused by humidity, cold air, alcohol, perfumes, and other environmental conditions, also can result in a sinus infection.

Chronic sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinuses that continues for weeks, months, or even years. As noted above, allergies are the most common cause of chronic sinusitis. Inhalation of airborne allergens (foreign substances that provoke an allergic reaction), such as dust, mold, and pollen, often set off allergic reactions (allergic rhinitis) that, in turn, may contribute to sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by structural abnormalities of the nose, such as a deviated septum (the bony partition separating the two nasal passages), or by small growths called nasal polyps, both of which can trap mucus in the sinuses.

Standard medical treatment for sinusitis may involve a variety of therapies intended to clear up the source of the inflammation and relieve the symptoms. Doctors generally recommend decongestants to reduce the congestion, antibiotics to control a bacterial infection, if present, and pain relievers to reduce the pain.


Edgar Cayce gave many readings for persons suffering from the full range of sinus problems including sinusitis. While acknowledging that environmental irritants and airborne allergens can serve as triggers leading to sinus inflammation, the Edgar Cayce readings take a more systemic approach to the basic causes and treatment of sinusitis.

Most often, Edgar Cayce traced the causes of sinusitis to systemic factors such as poor circulation, poor eliminations, and acid/alkaline imbalance.

(Q) Should any additional treatment be given for sinus condition?
(A) Not until these other activities have been carried on as indicated. This is not a local infection, – it is from the general condition in system, and naturally finds expression in the soft tissue or the mucous membranes through which the lymph circulation flows, from the irritations to which the body becomes allergic. (934-13)

Going even further back into the patterns of cause and effects, the Cayce readings often noted that pressures on spinal nerves were a primary factor in the manifestation of systemic pathology. For example, pressure on the nerve centers that regulate circulation to the facial sinuses can inhibit the circulation allowing toxins to remain and produce irritation:

(Q) Does sinus condition have anything to do with eyes becoming bloodshot?
(A) This, of course, is a contributory cause, but we find that the sinus condition is as much a disturbance from the spinal pressure as is the reflex in the eye disturbance. For, where both circulations are slowed through the impulse received from the ganglia in the upper dorsals and through the cervicals, these are paralleled in their reflexes. (2775-2)

Another common pattern of causation cited in the Cayce readings involves the organs of the hepatic system (i.e., liver, kidneys, gall bladder). Problems with the hepatic organs can results in poor systemic functioning and sinusitis:

(Q) Have I sinus?
(A) This is more the effect of the general stoppage, or the lack of the liver and the gall duct working properly. This may generally tend to lead to sinus, if there are not the better drainages set up. But if we will do these, we should make for better conditions and relieve these disturbances. (910-2)

The systemic aspects of sinusitis are sometimes linked to digestive problems. Most often, indigestion and other symptoms of poor assimilation are caused or exacerbated by the absorption of mucous into the gastrointestinal tract.

As we find, there continues to be some infectious forces, especially through the soft tissue of throat and nasal passages; some infection in the antrum. And the dripping or inflammation from same, with the secretions, tends to upset the stomach, also causing indigestion at times, producing weakness through the system. (2470-2)

Thus, treatment for sinusitis may address related problems in the gastrointestinal tract for a more complete healing.

The therapeutic approach advocated in the Cayce readings on sinusitis takes into consideration both the local and systemic aspects of the condition. For local (symptomatic) relief, the readings recommend a variety of nasal sprays, inhalants and packs. A mixture of oil of eucalyptus, oil of turp, and tincture of benzoin (sometimes with additional ingredients) was frequently prescribed as an inhalant for the treatment of sinusitis. Glyco-Thymoline diluted with distilled water was suggested as a nasal spray in several readings for sinusitis. Glyco-Thymoline packs over the facial sinuses were also commonly recommended for symptomatic relief.

For the fundamental, systemic causes of sinusitis, the readings typically recommended manual therapy (spinal manipulations and massage), hydrotherapy (especially colonic irrigations and fume baths), a basic diet which emphasizes fruits and vegetables to help maintain a proper acid/alkaline balance, and a mild form of electrotherapy (Radial Appliance).

Here is a typical recommendation which emphasizes the systemic aspects of healing sinusitis via manual therapy to improve circulation and a diet based on proper acid/alkaline balance:

(Q) What should be done about the sinusitis?
(A) Do the treatments indicated and the massages that will follow with the osteopathic adjustments for the better circulation through all portions of body, and these will correct through the sinus; provided there is the attention given to the keeping of a correct balance in the acidity and alkalinity of the body. (4008-1)

Notably, the mental and spiritual aspects of healing are emphasized in the readings on sinusitis. Here is a brief excerpt which points out the role of psychological and spiritual factors in one particular case of sinusitis:

(Q) Sometimes, after a cold I suffer from sinusitis and sometimes (more frequently in fact) the cold results in bronchitis. Can you suggest a treatment for the bronchitis and a means of relieving the cough?
(A) All of these conditions are taken into consideration in that given. You see, these – as indicated – are a result, not a cause. Much more might be said here than is being given, but the entity must find most of it himself. For, here the sensory forces are the reflection of attitudes of an individual towards things about him. They become psychologically affected, as some might term; being the reflexes or the reactions people make to the environs about them. Here, the entity has closed itself often to cries – yes, it has also seen that which it might have helped. It didn’t, and what’s happening?

In another instance, the power of the mind to produce psychosomatic illness was noted:

(Q) Are my sinuses draining properly?
(A) If they had been we wouldn’t have suggested to add something to the soft tissue! This we would do occasionally. This is not an irritation other than sympathetically, through the type or nature of conditions as described. Do not create for self the attitude that “Now I’ve got sinus trouble – Now I’ve got this trouble, that trouble or the other!” because you’ll have it! and you’ll become a hypochondriac, should these conditions continue! Know “I’m getting better.” Know, “I will meet these conditions as they come about.” Know, “I’m doing these in the proper way and manner, and it will come about!” (911-4)

Thus the mental and spiritual aspects of healing are important factors to be considered when dealing with sinusitis.


Because sinusitis can involve both local and systemic aspects, the Cayce approach utilizes a variety of diverse therapies to improve digestion, assimilation, elimination, relaxation, and circulation while encouraging a positive attitude and spiritual focus. Here are some general therapeutic guidelines for persons suffering from sinusitis:

DIET: The Basic Cayce Diet is intended to improve assimilation and elimination. The diet focuses heavily on keeping a proper alkaline/acid balance while avoiding foods which produce toxicity and drain the system. Essentially, the diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables while avoiding fried foods and refined carbohydrates (“junk food”. Certain food combinations are emphasized.
INTERNAL CLEANSING: Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight glasses of pure water daily, using castor oil packs, taking mild steam baths, and obtaining colonic irrigation to cleanse the bowel. Following the diet should also assist with internal cleansing. Mild laxatives may be taken (if needed).
SPINAL MANIPULATION AND MASSAGE: Osteopathic or chiropractic treatment is recommended to relieve any pressures on nerves that may be affecting circulation and other systemic processes, particularly eliminations. If osteopathic or chiropractic treatment is not available, the use of an electric vibrator along the spine may be helpful. Massage may also be helpful in improving circulation and eliminations.
MEDICINE: Atomidine is a medicinal product containing 1% iodine trichloride. Small doses of Atomidine may be helpful in stimulating and purifying the glandular system, especially the thyroid.. CAUTION: ATOMIDINE CONTAINS IODINE AND SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A PHYSICIAN.
ELECTROTHERAPY: Regular use of the Radial Appliance may be helpful in improving circulation.
TREATMENT OF ACUTE SYMPTOMS: For treatment of acute sinusitis symptoms, an inhalant containing eucalyptus oil, turpentine oil, tincture of benzoin, and grain alcohol is recommended. Glyco-Thymoline used as a nasal spray and facial pack may also be helpful for the acute symptoms of sinusitis.
ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and spiritual aspects of healing are frequently discussed in the Cayce readings. Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is important. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (spiritual ideal) for being healed.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database


I. Physiological Considerations

Constipation – inadequate, difficult, or infrequent evacuation of the fecal content of the bowels – probably causes greater disturbance of function and more symptoms of dis-ease in the human being than any other single condition.

Most commonly, constipation has its origin in an acidity created in the assimilating system of the body. We call this acidity “stomach trouble.” Implied in the readings – though not explicitly described – is the concept that stress, tension, arguments, disagreements, anger, and other negative manifestations of the adrenal gland bring the acidity into being in the stomach/duodenal area.

The Peyer’s patches provide for the body the alkaline forces necessary in the acid-base balance that must be maintained. (See Acidity-Alkalinity Circulating File.) With excess acid present in the stomach, lymphatic function decreases and creates an inactivity in the liver. A relative lack of enzyme production with a subsequent decrease in proper assimilation follows. This in turn cuts down markedly on the rebuilding forces available for producing normal eliminations. Then some foods which are at times acceptable to the body become as poisons and the system becomes overloaded with “used forces” – those end products of metabolism and the substances produced by improper metabolism and intestinal wastes that begin to be reabsorbed through the lower intestinal walls. After this occurs, a condition which might be described as an intestinal indigestion comes into being which causes a packing of fecal material in the large bowel. The system, reabsorbing waste into the bloodstream, reinforces the beginning factors which brought the constipation into being.

Certainly it must be recognized that constipation occurs as a result of various types of diseases, but the development as described above is probably the most common. Associated with constipation nearly always and sometimes acting as a cause of constipation are varying pressures and subluxations of the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar segments. Improper diet, such as an acid-reacting one, kept up as a regular practice, is also a major factor. The consequences of constipation are consistently underrated, possibly because they are not understood. When toxins are reabsorbed into the circulation, the liver progressively loses its ability to excrete as well as to secrete. The kidneys usually respond to this relative liver shutdown by becoming overtaxed in their function of eliminating substances from the body. Symptoms of dysuria appear, associated with inflammation of the kidney, bladder, and the tubes associated with the renal system. The skin and lungs – two other organs of elimination – are called upon to exercise their functions more vigorously in order to keep the body in a good general balance. Thus halitosis or various skin disturbances may occur.

In case [550], the accumulation of toxins produced a general nervousness with bad dreams – an incoordination of the cerebrospinal and the autonomic nervous systems. What caused all this? “This same restlessness as was produced in the nerve system, which carries, as it were, its message of those conditions awry in the system to the brain. This, then, produces restlessness, and the tendency for the body to have hallucinations or visions that would harm physically the body.” (550-1) From the disturbance of the incoordination comes also the inability to rest well, a constant waking during the night, and a tiredness when rest should have brought about resuscitation. These symptoms arise because the recuperative processes malfunction due to the toxins throughout the system. The eyes might become inflamed, the hands become cold on occasion, and skin eruptions appear. Headaches are a common symptom, nausea at times, and a heaviness in the feet. Also a dryness of the mouth; sometimes a swelling of the feet; and the color and circulation are reported as “bad.”

In looking at the various types of incoordination produced, it becomes evident that disease syndromes can be built upon the simple condition that we know as constipation. It becomes important, then, to regard the elimination system with a great deal of respect.

There should be a warning to all bodies as to such conditions; for would the assimilations and the eliminations be kept nearer normal in the human family, the days might be extended to whatever period as was so desired; for the system is builded by the assimilations of that it takes within, and is able to bring resuscitation so long as the eliminations do not hinder. (311-4)

II. Therapeutic Considerations

Constipation that has progressed beyond a single episode must be given due respect when therapy is being considered. A wide variety of treatments, certainly, is available. However, for constipation that has progressed to the point where it becomes a problem for the individual, there seems to emerge a pattern of three basic therapies.

1. Diet: Unless a condition of alkalosis is present, the diet should be a highly alkaline-reacting one with many leafy green vegetables. Starches and protein should not be combined, such as bread with beans or high protein vegetables, and white potatoes with bread. Cereals and juice (citrus) combinations should be avoided. Important: The diet should be kept to consistently and for a long period of time.

2. Osteopathic treatments were advised for [926], who was to have three treatments a week for five weeks, then two a week for perhaps 10 weeks, then rest 10 days – then another series of six to eight treatments. Sometimes a longer series would be needed, depending to a great extent on the chronicity of the constipation. (Relaxation or manipulation should be used at all times with the exception of one adjustment of specific nature every three to five treatments.)

3. Cleansing of the intestines includes colonics, which are very helpful and frequently necessary; enemas; various types of eliminants, such as Fletcher’s Castoria, olive oil, Agarol, and cleansing diets. These may all be necessary at one time or another to keep the bowels cleansed. Castor oil packs may occasionally be needed or abdominal massage. Massage with olive oil should follow the course of the stomach to the duodenum, past the Peyer’s patches to the jejunum and ileum, and then across to the caecum, up over the ascending, transverse and descending colon, for as long as the body will absorb the olive oil.

Most often treatment for constipation will be in conjunction with treatment for other conditions, so this must be kept in mind when the above suggestions are utilized.

An Elimination Program for a Torpid Liver

After each meal for two or three days, take about a quarter teaspoonful of the Alcaroid.
After the third day that this has been taken, leave it off, and take two Zilatone tablets at bedtime-on the day after the Alcaroid has been left off, you see; drinking plenty of water!
Let this go then for two or three weeks, then do this again.
But to keep the eliminations each day that there is not the evacuation through the alimentary canal, the high enemas – salt and soda enemas. Preferably take these yourself, using a fountain syringe. Not necessary that the water be hot. Do not have the water warmer than the temperature of the body, but use this each day when there is not a natural evacuation from the alimentary canal. (1269-1)

Constipation – Acute Infection

In case [25), Cayce suggests that an eliminant be given that is of the lactic nature rather than of the acid nature. In this case the teenage boy had tonsillitis which was causing pains in the joints and a toxic condition.

Hence it would be necessary that, not too much excitement to the secreting organ but, sufficient and rather the lactic nature than of the acid; that is, these properties taken to produce elimination shall be Tactics and of the saline nature rather than of an acid nature. That is, such as these would be well for the body to take regularly for some time after this was done:
Plain phosphate of soda, half a teaspoonful in half a glass of water, and add five to six drops of oil, or syrup of sarsaparilla. (25-2)

This boy was advised to have his tonsils removed and to clean out the intestinal tract.

The following extract helps us to understand the balance of mind and body that is needed, for emotions do have an effect upon our physical beings:

Do not become overanxious – for, to be sure, the mental is the builder; and overanxiousness may bring about barriers to proper reactions throughout the system; whether as related to the circulatory forces or the assimilations or eliminations of the body.
But these influences kept in a body-normal eliminations, near to normal assimilations – without accident – it, the body, reproduces itself in every phase of its experience. The natural balance is an eighty percent alkaline to a twenty percent acid reaction. This means reaction in the system, and these should be kept.
Keep these physically, mentally, with a spiritual basis of constructiveness for the mental attitudes. For grudges, animosities, hates, overanxieties are a part of the mental and become conditions reactory in the physical forces. (816-8)

[Note: The preceding overview was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician’s Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database


Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Environmental and other factors provoke the airway inflammation in people with asthma. This inflammation is always present to some degree, regardless of the level of asthma severity.

Asthma is a major public health problem in the United States. The disease affects approximately 13 million people, nearly 5 million of whom are under the age of 18. People with asthma experience well over 100 million days of restricted activity annually, and the total annual costs of the disease are estimated at $6.2 billion. Asthma is the third leading cause of preventable hospitalizations in the United States. There are about 470,000 hospitalizations and more than 5,000 deaths a year from asthma. (National Institutes of Health Publication No. 97-4053)

From a medical perspective, the basic cause of asthma is unknown. Heredity plays some role; asthma often runs in families, especially in families who have a lot of allergies. Asthmatic attacks may be triggered by a wide variety of factors including:

Allergens (pollen, mold, house dust/dust mites, cockroaches, certain foods, etc.)
Viral Infections
Irritants (strong odors, air pollutants, tobacco smoke, etc.)
Gastroespohageal Reflux (heartburn, belching, or spitting up)
Sensitivity to Medications (such as aspirin and sulfites)
Emotional Anxiety
Standard medical treatment for asthma relies primarily on medications intended to relax the airways and reduce the inflammation and production of mucus in the lungs. Steroids are commonly prescribed for the treatment of asthma.
Some children “outgrow” the disease as they enter their middle teens. Otherwise, asthma is considered an incurable illness. The condition of a patient’s asthma will change depending on the environment, patient activities, management practices, and other factors. Thus, even when patients have their asthma under control, monitoring and treatment are needed to maintain control.


Edgar Cayce discussed the causes and treatment of asthma in over 160 readings. While recognizing the variability of the illness as it manifests in each individual, several patterns were noted with regard to etiology (causation) and treatment.

Pressure on spinal nerve centers was a common etiological factor in the Cayce readings on asthma. In particular, the upper thoracic (dorsal) and lower cervical nerve plexuses were implicated. Nerve supply to the respiratory system is derived from these nerve centers. Impairment to nerve supply can compromise respiratory functioning leading to increased vulnerability to other factors as described below. Disturbed circulation was noted as a factor in asthma. Primarily, increased circulation to the lungs was cited in numerous readings. This was often linked to pressure on the spinal nerve centers which regulate blood flow to the lungs.

Poor eliminations were cited as a causative factor in several readings. Presumably, circulating toxins can irritate the lungs triggering an asthma attack. Specifically, problems with the hepatic system were noted in several readings on asthma. Edgar Cayce’s description of the hepatic system includes the liver, heart, and lungs as organs of the “upper hepatic circulation.” According to the Cayce readings, the lungs represent one of the channels of elimination by which the liver can eliminate toxins from the system. Thus the lungs may react to increased toxicity resulting in respiratory illness.

Certain foods were emphasized as causative factors. Sugar, starches, and pork were mentioned as contributing to asthma. Generally speaking, acid-producing foods were viewed as problematic.

Glandular dysfunction was sometimes noted in readings on asthma. The lymphatic system was also occasionally mentioned in cases of asthma.

Environmental factors such as climate, pollen, and pollutants were mentioned as causative factors in numerous readings on asthma. With the increase in environmental pollution, perhaps this factor is even significant for persons who now suffer from asthma.

Psychological factors such as attitudes and emotions were mentioned as contributing causes in some cases of asthma. Heredity was mentioned in one reading on asthma.


From a therapeutic standpoint, Edgar Cayce’s treatment recommendations were varied depending upon the unique needs of each individual. However, several therapies stand out as important in the treatment of asthma.

Osteopathic or chiropractic treatment to relieve pressure on nerve centers in the upper portion of the back was a common therapeutic recommendation. Corrective diet was suggested in many readings for asthma. Restricting sugars and starches, and fried foods while increasing fruits and vegetables were common recommendations. Various formulas for inhalants were commonly recommended as antiseptics for the respiratory system in cases of asthma.

Several medicines were recommended by Edgar Cayce for persons with asthma. Calcidin (calcium iodate) is particularly noteworthy. During Edgar Cayce’s era, Calcidin was available as an over-the-counter medicine for the treatment of respiratory problems. Most often, it was prescribed for relief during asthmatic exacerbations. Currently, Calcidin is not generally available and must be prescribed by a doctor.

Improving eliminations to decrease toxicity was recommended in several cases of asthma. Hydrotherapy (such as colonic irrigation) can be used for internal cleansing. Mild exercise was recommended for some individuals with asthma.

Here is a example from the Cayce readings which illustrates how various causative factors can work together to produce asthma. Note that a “subluxation” (pressure on a nerve center) disturbed the circulation through the respiratory system making the individual vulnerable to an infectious disorder which settled in the system. Thereafter, stressors (such as heat or digestive problems) could trigger asthmatic attacks. Also note the diverse therapeutic interventions to address the various aspects of the condition.

As to the NERVE SYSTEM, here we find what may be termed the cause or the seat of the disorder. In times back – seventeen, sixteen, seventeen (this winter) – there was a distress that was brought on by a germ, or “flu”, or deep cold, that with a subluxation already existent which made a tendency in the direction produced a slowing of the circulation through the bronchi and through the larynx. This, then, through the slowed circulation, tended to make for a plethora there, when there were almost those reactions of a form of pneumonia, or inflammation of the lung itself; but the high temperature, the slow blood supply, formed a lesion or a clot, or a thickening of the tissue in the bronchi itself. Hence we have with excess of heat, or with a pressure from even disagreeing properties for digestion, or that requiring the circulation to be drawn to other portions of the body, that which produces spasmodic asthmatic conditions in the bronchi itself. This makes for a filling of the tubes and a shortening of the breath, and slowing still farther the circulation through the lungs in the lower portions (and upper portion on the right side), and – causing the distresses and the deep circulation in attempting to fill – makes for a breath that makes for panting, requiring that something will allow the passages for the air into the lungs to be excited to such an extent as to reduce this plethora or fullness that is caused there.
When there is an asthmatic spasmodic reaction, we will find that the inhalation of properties combined in this manner would be MOST beneficial:
To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add – in this order and quantity:

Eucalyptol, Oil of…………..20 minims,
Rectified Creosote……………3 minims,
Tincture of Benzoin………..15 minims,
Rectified Oil of Turp……….10 minims,
Tincture of Tolu in solution…20 minims.

Keep this in a container at least twice the size of the quantity, or a 6 to 8 ounce container with a glass cork, you see. Inhale the fumes, when this solution is shaken together, deep into the lungs and bronchi 2, 3, 4 times each day. Of course, this – as any condition – might be overdone, but take 3 to 4 deep inhalations whenever it is necessary – 3 to 4 times a day.
We would also take at such periods a grain Calcidin tablet, which will alleviate the lung activity and make for better conditions in the system.
Also at times, not always – but when the condition especially is bad in the evenings, or when there is damp weather, or when there is the tendency or the approach of storms or the like – we would use the pure APPLE brandy; not Apple Jack nor cider, but BRANDY – apple brandy. A small quantity of it. Or, to 4 to 6 ounces of same add 1/2 ounce of Rock Candy. Shake this together until it is dissolved. Do not take at a dose more than a teaspoonful, or a good swallow – which would be 2 teaspoonsful. Never more than that much, and let it go down VERY slowly, see?
Now, as to the CORRECTIVE measures that will alleviate the condition:
There should be about ten or twelve chiropractic adjustments made in the cerebrospinal system, especially in the 3rd and 4th dorsal center; and make the adjustment from the RIGHT side. Necessary, of course, that a little massage be given through the cervical area at such an adjustment.
After these treatments; that is, several months afterwards, or until the condition begins to improve; we would use the electrically driven vibrator, using the cup applicator directly on the body over the whole of the cerebrospinal system. Then take the ball or the little hard applicator and apply from the 9th dorsal to the base of the brain on either side of the cerebrospinal system itself. Go down on the one side, then go down on the other; but let these come FROM the head toward the central portion of the body, bearing rather hard – or making a DEEP vibration, see?
Be mindful with the diet, that there are not those things that will tend to make for irritation to the respiratory system or the bronchi itself; that is, never too much of the tuberous nature of vegetables, and no hog meat – save there may be taken a little crisp bacon of mornings at times, but NO hog meat! If meat at all is to be taken, it would be principally fish, fowl, mutton or the like. Never fried meats. If beef is to be taken, let it rather be in the form of the juices of same – that is, with stews and the like, see? More of the leafy vegetables, and not too much of those that are of the too great quantity of starch; though corn may be taken in moderation, especially the roasting ears if they are BOILED – not fried, but boiled! Then the corn may be cut off the cob and prepared in that manner for the body, or it may be eaten off the cob. But the mastication of the food for this body should be the greater principle. Chew any mouthful of food at least fourteen times. Even in drinking water, CHEW it – or masticate it at least three or four times. That is, sip it – let the activity of the glands in the mouth mingle well with the water; not gulping it but sipping it gently.
And this will bring very great relief to the body. With the end of the chiropractic adjustments given in the area specifically as outlined, also begin taking Atomidine; never more than three minims in a glass of water, and sip this water as well as all the other that is taken. This dosage may be taken twice each day, before the morning meal and just before retiring. (595-1)

Based on the causes and treatments discussed above, here are some general therapeutic guidelines for persons suffering from asthma:

SPINAL MANIPULATION AND MASSAGE: Osteopathic or chiropractic treatment is recommended to relieve any pressures on nerves that may be affecting the respiratory system. The upper portion of the spine should receive special attention. If osteopathic or chiropractic treatment is not available, the use of an electric vibrator along the spine may be helpful. Massage may also be helpful in improving circulation and producing relaxation.
DIET: The Basic Cayce Diet is intended to improve assimilation and elimination. The diet focuses heavily on keeping a proper alkaline/acid balance while avoiding foods which produce toxicity and drain the system. Essentially, the diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables while avoiding fried foods and refined carbohydrates (“junk food”. Certain food combinations are emphasized.
INTERNAL CLEANSING: Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight glasses of pure water daily, using castor oil packs, and colonic irrigation to cleanse the system. Following the diet should also assist with internal cleansing.
MEDICINE: Atomidine is a medicinal product containing 1% iodine trichloride. Small doses of Atomidine may be helpful in stimulating the glandular system. For symptomatic relief during exacerbations, Calcidin (calcium iodate) may be helpful. CAUTION: ATOMIDINE AND CALCIDIN CONTAIN IODINE. THEY SHOULD ONLY BE TAKEN UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A PHYSICIAN.
ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and emotional aspects of healing are frequently discussed the Cayce readings. Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is important. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (ideal) for being healed.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database



Depression can be thought of as a morbid sadness. Depression is characterized by dejection, lack of hope, feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt, and diminished ability to think or concentrate. When severely depressed, individuals may also have recurrent thoughts of death (especially suicide).

Depression is very common. In fact, it has been referred to as the “common cold of mental illness.” Yet, depression is not a new illness. It has long been recognized as a common emotional disorder.

For many centuries depression was referred to as “melancholia.” The term melancholia is derived from the Greeks who believed that depression resulted from an imbalance in the body’s chemistry. Melancholia was thought to be caused by an excess of black bile. Bile is a chemical secreted by the liver and gall duct.

Just as in Edgar Cayce’s era, the term melancholia is still used to designate depression. Not surprisingly, many of Cayce’s readings use the two terms interchangeably. As a medical term, melancholia is still used in modern psychiatric diagnosis. However, it now refers to a subtype of depression. In recognition of its Greek origins, melancholia now refers to depression with strong biological features, such as disturbed sleep and appetite, decreased interest or pleasure in all or almost all daily activities, and psychomotor disturbances (such as too much or too little bodily movement or activity). Melancholic depression is thought to respond better to biological treatments (such as drug therapy). Interestingly, Edgar Cayce spoke at length about the physical aspects of depression when he used the term melancholia.


Research suggests that there are probably many causes of depression. However, in recent years, great emphasis has been placed on the biology of depression. Scientists have explored the relationship between faulty chemistry in the nervous system and depressive symptoms. Specifically, research has focused on the chemical messengers (called neurotransmitters) which nerve cells use to communicate with each other.

If there is a problem with certain neurotransmitters in the brain, communication between nerve cells may be inhibited. When this chemical dysfunction occurs in the areas of the brain associated with emotion and cognition, depression may result. In simple terms, when nerve cell communication is inhibited, the nervous system itself may be said to be depressed in its activity. This inhibition my lead to a general depression of mind and body. Presumably, the antidepressant drugs prescribed by medical doctors can therapeutically alter the chemical messengers used by nerve cells, resulting in better communication within the brain. This biochemical explanation of the cause and treatment of depression is sometimes referred to as the “medical model of depression.”


Edgar Cayce was decades ahead of modern medical research when he gave graphic descriptions of nervous system pathology in cases of depression. When he spoke of such nervous system pathology in cases of depression, he would sometimes use the expression “lapse of nerve impulse” to portray the breakdown in nerve cell communication.

The readings give many reasons for this characteristic “lapse in nerve impulse.” In numerous cases, glandular dysfunction was cited as the source of the problem. Edgar Cayce’s explanation was that the nervous system is dependent upon the glands of the body to provide the chemicals essential for normal nerve cell functioning. When the glands fail to provide these essential chemicals, various physical, mental and emotional symptoms (including depression) can result. Endocrine gland pathology (most often the adrenal, thyroid and pineal glands) was noted in several cases of depression. Significantly, modern medical research has also acknowledged the involvement of these important endocrine glands in depression.

Toxicity is another common biological cause of depression cited by Edgar Cayce. In some readings, he spoke of a “deadening” effect to the nervous system produced by the absorption of toxins into the nerve fiber. Apparently, this deadening effect could have a depressive effect upon the nervous system leading to the characteristic “lapse in nerve impulse.”

Naturally, treatment recommendations in such cases focused heavily on therapies intended to cleanse the body. Improved diet, with regular massage and hydrotherapy, were common prescriptions in such cases.

While Edgar Cayce’s perspective has many similarities to the modern medical (biochemical) model of depression, there are important differences. Instead of relying heavily on medication to alter the chemical balance in the nervous system, he would usually recommend more natural methods. These “holistic” therapies would help the body to be its own “medicine chest” and thus bring its faulty biochemistry back into a healthy state. “Holistic” refers to Cayce’s tendency to consider the whole person (body, mind and spirit) when diagnosing illness and making treatment recommendations. Hence, Edgar Cayce is widely regarded as the “father of modern holistic medicine.”

Another difference between Cayce’s perspective and the medical model is the role of mental and spiritual factors which may lead to depression of the nervous system. For example, he would often note psychospiritual causes, such as unhealthy attitudes, or a lack of spiritual direction in a person’s life, as a precedent of nervous system pathology.

The readings contain many examples of mentally (i.e., psychosomatically) induced depression. “Mind is the builder” is a prominent theme in the readings and is based upon the inherent association of mental processes with the nervous system. Self-condemnation was a particularly destructive mental pattern frequently noted in cases of depression. Failure to live up to an ideal (or even have an ideal) was sometimes cited as a primary source of mental depression.

Although Edgar Cayce’s treatment recommendations varied from person to person based on the unique needs of each individual, the therapies which follow represent some of the common suggestions for treating and preventing depression.

INTERNAL CLEANSING: Improving eliminations is a high priority because the readings cite toxemia as a common causal factor associated with depression. Hydrotherapy (fume baths and colonic irrigation), manual therapy (osteopathy and chiropractic), massage, and diet are the main therapies for improving eliminations.
MANUAL THERAPY: Manual therapy (spinal manipulation and massage) assist in establishing better coordination between the central and peripheral nervous systems. This is important because the readings consistently portray the pathophysiology of depression as a “lapse in nerve impulse.”
RADIAL APPLIANCE: The Radial Appliance may prove helpful in cases where restlessness, fatigue or insomnia are significant symptoms. This simple device resembles an electrical battery. However, it does not produce any measurable electrical energy. The readings insist that it utilizes the body’s own vibratory energies to help equalize the circulatory and nerve systems.
OUTDOOR EXERCISE: The readings also consistently stress the importance of moderate outdoor exercise in the open (i.e., sunlight) for relaxation, improving eliminations, and in certain cases, as a form of phototherapy. Phototherapy is the use of light to treat illness. Phototherapy has been used for centuries as a natural means of treating depression.
IDEALS EXERCISE: The ideals exercise is an important intervention for establishing priorities, not only within the therapeutic regimen, but also for long-term health maintenance. This intervention is also an excellent means of recognizing and correcting dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs.
SERVICE TO OTHERS: The spiritual phase of the basic model encourages persons to take a broader perspective on their immediate situation. Altruistic service provides a sense of interpersonal connectedness which can be extremely therapeutic in the treatment of depression. Cayce often recommended that depressed persons find someone who is in a worse condition and help them. He emphasized that the best way of helping self is to help others.
BIBLIOTHERAPY: The readings also consistently recommend that persons suffering from depression read and study inspirational material. Clinically known as bibliotherapy, this therapeutic technique is now used by many psychotherapists for the treatment of many forms of mental illness, including depression. Consistent with his Christian religious orientation, Edgar Cayce showed a preference for the Bible as a source of inspiration. Certain passages were repeatedly recommended for persons suffering from depression (most often the 30th chapter of Deuteronomy and the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th chapters of John).

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database



Psoriasis is a noncontagious skin disease that afflicts over 5 million people in the United States. It is highly variable in its symptoms and severity. In its most common form (plaque psoriasis), it is characterized by inflamed, swollen skin lesions covered with silver-white scales. Other forms of psoriasis display pus-like blisters (pustular psoriasis), sloughing of the skin (erythrodermic psoriasis), smooth, inflamed lesions (inverse psoriasis), and drop-like dots (guttate psoriasis).

Psoriatic lesions appear most often on the scalp, knees, elbows, hands, and feet. Although it rarely affects the face, no area of the body is exempt.

The pain of psoriasis is more than skin deep. Emotional scarring is also common with this disorder, as people have to deal with disfiguration, embarrassment, frustration, fear, and depression. A loss of self-esteem and self-confidence may complicate matters, leading to social withdrawal and interpersonal problems.


From a medical perspective, the cause of psoriasis is unknown. It probably has a genetic component which increases the chances for developing the disorder. Approximately one-third of all persons suffering from psoriasis report a family history of the illness.

Psoriasis is an excellent example of the concept of “diathesis/stress.” Some individuals are born with a genetic predisposition toward psoriasis, which is “triggered” into the clinical manifestation of the disease by stressors, such as systemic infections, injury to the skin, vaccinations, and certain medications. Flare-ups of the symptoms are often preceded by stressful events.

Whatever the source of the illness, the outcome is a growth of too many skin cells. The immune system may play a role in triggering excessive skin cell reproduction which produces the psoriatic lesions.


The course of psoriasis is highly variable. Symptoms may come and go, but usually do return. On average, the onset of psoriasis occurs at about 22 years of age. However, it may be seen at birth and as late in age as 90. From a medical perspective, psoriasis is generally considered to be a lifelong, incurable illness. Yet, some individuals with psoriasis experience spontaneous remissions.


Because medical treatment does not cure psoriasis, therapies are directed at symptom management. Topical (external) and systemic (internal) treatment provide varying degrees of temporary relief that can clear psoriasis for periods of time. Treatment is often expensive and time consuming. Experimentation may be required to determine an effective treatment for each individual. A vast array of therapies, including medicines, ointments, creams, lotions, and phototherapy are used with varying success. However, these interventions can be cosmetically unpleasant and make the patient vulnerable to additional health risks.


The Edgar Cayce readings, while recognizing the wide variability associated with psoriasis, consistently maintain that this disease most often can be traced back to problems with eliminations. Many of the readings on psoriasis refer to a “thinning” of the walls of the intestines, particularly in the area of the upper small intestine between the duodenum and the jejunum. According to the readings, substances can “leak” out of the intestine and be picked up by blood and lymph circulation.

The body has four primary routes of eliminating toxins from the body: the colon, kidneys, lungs, and skin. In psoriasis, the other eliminating routes are not able to completely eliminate the toxicity. Thus, the skin pathology associated with psoriasis represents the body’s desperate attempt to cleanse itself.

Here is an exemplary excerpt from the Cayce readings on psoriasis, which describes the intestinal pathology and the treatments to heal it.

“Q. Please give me the cause and cure for the so-called psoriasis with which I am troubled.
“A. The cause is the thinning of the walls of the intestinal system, which allows the escaping of poisons – or the absorption of same by the muco-membranes which surround same, and becomes effective in the irritation through the lymph and emunctory reactions in the body.
“An effective cure for same is first being mindful of the diet, during the periods when these necessary elements would be given for creating those activities within the system to close such conditions:
“In the system we would use elm water and saffron water. These would be taken in the ordinary drinking water, during periods of one, two to three weeks at a time. All the drinking water, carrying, then, either a small quantity of elm or the Saffron. For this adds to the assimilating system those properties that become effective to the aiding of building within the system itself those conditions that will overcome such activities in the system.
“The diet during such periods should be more of vegetables than of meats or sweets, so that there are those reactions that make for better unification in the membranes’ reaction within the body.” (289-1)


Edgar Cayce’s therapeutic approach to psoriasis is summarized in the following excerpt:

“The conditions that exist through the thinning of the walls of the intestines allow the poisons to find expressions in the lymph circulation; thus producing the irritation to and through the epidermis itself….
“Q. Is there an absolute cure for psoriasis?
“A. Most of this is found in diet. There is a cure. It requires patience, persistence – and right thinking also.” (2455-2)

Consistent with the above quote, the treatment suggestions in the Cayce readings rely heavily on patient, persistent application of dietary recommendations and a positive, expectant mental attitude toward healing. The rationale of treatment is to decrease the amount of toxicity in the intestines, improve general eliminations, and heal the “thinned walls” of the intestines. Also, the cause of the thinned intestinal walls needs to be addressed.

Here is a basic treatment protocol for psoriasis:

INTERNAL CLEANSING: Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight glasses of pure water daily, enemas or colonic irrigations, and cleansing diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.
HEALING OF THE INTESTINES: Herbal teas were recommended in the readings to assist with healing the gut. Typically, the slippery elm bark tea is taken in the morning before breakfast and the American yellow saffron tea is used in the evening.
DIET AND NUTRITION: The Cayce diet for psoriasis is basically fresh fruits and vegetables. Certain foods (which tend to increase intestinal toxicity) must be eliminated from the diet. Taboo items include red meat, fried foods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, and dairy products that are not low fat. Dr. John Pagano has also identified the nightshade group of vegetables (tomatoes, tobacco, eggplant, peppers, white potatoes, and paprika) as particularly harmful for persons with psoriasis.
SPINAL ADJUSTMENT: One of the primary causes of thinned intestinal walls identified by Edgar Cayce are problems with the spine. Pressures on certain spinal nerves (particularly the mid-dorsal area) can compromise the nerve energy to the intestinal tract. Osteopathic or chiropractic treatment can help correct the misalignment of spinal vertebrae and improve nerve functioning.
ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and emotional aspects of healing are very important. Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is essential (“right thinking”. Positive mental attitude is necessary for following this healing regimen. Doubt (or lack of conviction) will make it almost impossible to stick with the dietary and cleansing treatments, which are a lifestyle adjustment for most individuals. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (ideal) for being healed.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database


Kidney Stones are termed renal calculi in medical language. When a stone passes down the ureter from the kidney to the bladder, the pain produced is perhaps the most severe of all pains man experiences in bodily illnesses.

When the stones remain in the pelvis of the kidney, however, there is often little or no pain. The problem facing the individual who has a kidney stone is either to leave it alone or to remove it by dissolution or surgery of one type or another.

In considering the cause and the treatment of these calculi found so frequently in the urinary tract, one should always look at the disease syndrome as a physiological process rather than as a static condition of a stone in place. For there are causative factors which gradually distort the physiology of the body in such a manner that over a long period of time a stone is formed, bit by bit – often without sign or symptom. When the condition is discovered, the aberrant functioning is finally recognized and must be either treated or left alone. There is always a choice.

Three stages of kidney stone pathology may be roughly defined: (1) tendencies toward calculi in the urinary tract – a condition wherein normal eliminations are breaking down (the trouble has its inception in the kidneys); (2) the acute or semi-acute stage, in which stones have formed and are in the process of passing or causing chronic trouble; and (3) the body has come to a relative balance and manages to maintain a homeostasis in spite of one or more stones in the kidney’s pelvis. In this kind of a problem the stone may deteriorate at any point and cause acute pain and difficulty as it starts to pass down the ureter. On the other hand, some individuals live out their lives with a stone in place and may never be bothered by any discernible trouble.

The traditional course of events is to ease the pain, soothe the mucous membranes of the urinary tract, and either let the stone pass or remove it surgically. Sometimes, it is the better part of judgment to let it merely remain in the pelvis of the kidney if it is not causing a problem.

In the Cayce material, the viewpoint is taken that there is always a cause, and the correction of the condition involves restoration of a more normal physiology. Surgery is sometimes needed, but when undertaken inadvisedly can frequently cause more harm than benefit. The incoordinations, subluxations, destructive attitudes, and accumulations from inadequate eliminations must always be attended to and corrected if possible. And this job sometimes becomes more tedious than many sufferers are willing to undertake with enough persistence to be successful. However, this is the story that comes out of the Edgar Cayce readings given for those who were experiencing one degree or another of urinary calculus.

I. Physiological Considerations

The onset of symptoms from a kidney stone announces that a process has been going on for a long time during which sufficient precipitated or sedimented material has accumulated to form what we call a stone (although not the best name for it). The stone can be composed of a number of materials found in the body’s bloodstream. However, the liquid excreted by the kidney as it performs its eliminatory function may be saturated to such a degree that portions are no longer in solution, and the crystallization process or sedimentary process begins. The length of time it takes to form a stone that would cause symptoms is really unknown; it probably differs with individuals and circumstances. But it most certainly takes weeks, months, or sometimes even years.

How does such a condition begin? Obviously, there are more substances to be eliminated by the kidney than is possible under existing conditions. Cayce describes the condition of the blood as having “refuse forces accumulated by the activity from the lack of distributing forces in the system.” (843-7) Or said another way, “the toxic forces that are being carried in the system without proper eliminations through their proper channels” are among the causative factors. (1060-1)

But it is not simply the overflow of toxins in the bloodstream. From the standpoint of physiology as seen in the readings, circulation to the liver and kidney is impaired, thus causing a decrease and an incoordination in the eliminatory process. Because of the stresses on the kidneys themselves, accumulations begin. But this is still an intermediary step. The actual beginning of the problem is more basic.

In many of the readings, no specific reference was made to the causes of impaired elimination – although trouble in the alimentary process was always present. In other references, however, an injury to the spine, a fall, a blow – often forgotten – produced faulty neurological impulses to the liver and kidney (often also to the spleen, pancreas, and intestinal tract), which in turn brought on incoordination and disturbed functions. (141-1, 370-4, 1055-1) In one instance, lack of proper care of the kidneys and eliminations during pregnancy and following delivery brought on the stone six months later. Subluxations were causative in another instance.

In the physical readings, past lives are seldom mentioned, but in the life readings the Cayce source often stated that there are no accidents. So these so-called accidents to the spine might be viewed as karmic responses to past-life experiences and represent the other major etiological factor – destructive attitudes. In one instance, the kidney stone recurred. (843-7) Cayce suggested that the repeat performance came from mental attitudes of fears, oversensitivity, and anger, and from nonadherence to diets. The kidney, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, upper intestinal tract, and spleen are all under the influence of the adrenal glands (called in the endocrinology texts the “fight-flight glands”. These organs normally respond to any emotions or attitudes that activate the sympathetic nervous system through the adrenals or the hormones that arise in those glands.

We see, then, that the supersaturated conditions existing in the kidney excretions, the incoordinations between the liver and the kidneys, the toxins accumulated in the bloodstream, and even the injuries which might bring about some of the problems may all have as an underlying essence, as a primary cause, the attitudes and emotions that cause destruction in the body.

Remember that the attitude of the body – towards circumstances, towards individuals, towards conditions – ever has much to do with creating an environment for disturbing or for helpful things as related to the bodily functions…
Know that there are ever those experiences to be met in the experience of each soul, that must be met. Meet these, not in anger, not in wrath but in gentleness and the fruits of the spirit; not in swearing vengeance or any of those attitudes. (370-5)

II. Rationale of Therapy

Throughout the Cayce readings, repeated references are made to the importance of persistent follow-through in therapeutic measures. In this particular problem, the theme is the same. For a 53-year-old man, [370], with passage of a stone and a deteriorating physical condition, Cayce saw the possibility of building the body back to normal, “if there is the persistence and consistence in the activities, the application and the attitudes of the body towards a constructive influence throughout its bodily functioning itself, as well as its applications to those things that may make for helpful influences.” (370-4)

In cases in which the problem is quite complicated physiologically or the physical condition can easily turn into a critical situation, then all of Cayce’s suggestions must be followed – these were the instructions. To [1054], a 37-year-old woman who had a calculus, it was pointed out that the problem could be eliminated; but, he warned her, unless they are “done consistently and persistently, for a sufficient period to insure that the causes in the first, and the effects that have already been produced, have been rejuvenated and resuscitated for their normal activity, then don’t begin them!” (1054-1) And another, a 53-year-old man, [1060], was told he would run into extreme measures of therapy [surgery?] “unless all are done. . .” But, he added, if those suggestions would be done cooperatively and in a way that would aid the body to produce helpful influences, “resuscitating forces, revivifying energies, may be brought about in the body.” (1060-1)

In applying these suggestions to individuals today, it must be kept in mind that every person is different. No two readings contain exactly the same directions. Thus with mild, severe or asymptomatic renal calculi, a given course of therapy – including consideration of attitudinal changes – must be followed with patience and persistence. It is always a process of aiding the body in altering its functioning physiology in such a manner that balance is maintained and constructive influences are always kept. And it is well to remember that healing the body physical without giving it hope in the spiritual is to save a body for destruction in materiality.

Therapies for Renal Calculus

In the readings studied, including all those currently indexed under kidney stones, the following suggestions were identified as being helpful:

Turpentine stupes: These were prepared in different strengths. For [843], 1/2 pint of spirits of turpentine was added to one to one-and-a-half quarts of hot water. Heavy flannel, five to six thicknesses, was dipped in the solution and applied over the bladder and pubic area, “so that there may be the relaxation of the urethra and the penetrating forces of the turpentine to alleviate.” (843-4) Cayce gave some interesting information to this man: “. . we find that the application of the turpentine stupes over the area as indicated would offer a means for causing a disintegrating of the stone sufficient for its passage without operative forces; because of the very nature of the penetrating influences of the turp.” (843-5)
For a 35-year-old woman, [540], a milder solution was suggested: two ounces of turpentine to a quart of water. The pack was to be placed over the kidney area, and a massage done afterward to the abdomen with a mixture of equal parts of mutton tallow, spirits of turpentine, and spirits of camphor.
And in reading 1472-16, an even more dilute solution of spirits of turpentine was suggested – one teaspoonful to a gallon of water, heated to 90 degrees. The flannel cloth dipped in this solution was to be applied for an hour across the kidney area twice a week, followed immediately by massage with a solution of peanut oil (one ounce), olive oil (one ounce), and melted lanolin (one-half teaspoon).
Osteopathic manipulations were suggested frequently. Most often those areas of the spine below the shoulder blades and down into the lumbar and coccygeal vertebrae were designated as needing most attention, but the upper dorsal and the cervical were frequently mentioned. Treatments were to be given sensitively, deeply for some and very gently for others, depending on their need and, of course, their physical condition.
Massage has already been mentioned. Various combinations of oils have been suggested. In 843-6, for instance, Cayce suggested a combination made up of equal parts of olive oil, tincture of myrrh and compound tincture of benzoin, this to be massaged across the lower back from the kidney area to the sacrum. Instructions were to heat the olive oil, then add the other two constituents. The massage was to prevent “the body from tiring so” and to relax the patient. Another common massage formula is equal parts of mutton tallow, spirits of turpentine, spirits of camphor and compound tincture of benzoin.
Diet is a factor in all instances. Only foods that are easily assimilated should be eaten. If foods are taken at all, cooked vegetables and cooked fruits could be eaten when the problem is acute. As a general maintenance diet one should eat one meal consisting of only fresh raw vegetables or fruit, a simple breakfast (avoid combining citrus and cereal at the same meal), and a dinner of principally vegetables. Baked potato peel is very good; pears or grapes are perhaps the best fruit. When able, such patients may eat fish, fowl or lamb as protein. It must be kept in mind that the diet should always be such as not to add more to the body than the body can tolerate and use adequately. This means no alcohol, pastries, or desserts; avoid sugars and to a great extent starches. Cayce reminded one person that chewing food well would activate the salivary glands to supply the “lactics – or the alkalines – as they enter the system.” (1060-2)
Mullein stupes and mullein tea were both recommended, but infrequently.
Watermelon seed tea (made like any herb tea) has been found in the readings to be beneficial in all kidney conditions, so it is not surprising to find it mentioned where stones have been formed. It was not a frequently recommended suggestion, however.
Colonics and enemas are suggested for both these procedures increase the elimination of toxins from the bloodstream, giving relief to the kidneys in their attempts to return to normal conditions.
The wet cell battery, radio-active appliance, and diathermy were all suggested to at least one of these individuals for whom readings were given, but it cannot be determined for certain that they were specifically for relief of the kidney condition. In one instance, reference was made to “vibrations” which would help to disintegrate the stone, and we might assume that that was meant to refer to the wet cell battery.
A prescription of oils to be taken orally was suggested for a man with nephritis and a kidney stone. To stimulate the dissolving of the “sediments” and to bring about better eliminations through the liver and kidneys, the following (in reading 149-1) was suggested to be taken in a capsule once daily, along with osteopathic treatments:
Eucalyptol, 1 minim
Rectified oil of turpentine, 1/2 minim
Oil of juniper, 1 minim
A pack of baking soda, saturated in hot water and applied over the bladder area, was suggested in one case ( 149- 1) to ease stresses in the bladder and urethra.
Castor oil packs were recommended to aid elimination of toxic forces that had gradually built up destructive influences in the body. Laxatives for [1060] at that time were not good; rather he needed something that would not only aid eliminations but also build up vitality and resistance within the body. It was suggested that the packs be used for three-and-a-half to four hours, changed every 20 to 30 minutes, using two to three to four thicknesses of heavy flannel. They were to be applied as hot as could be endured and gentle osteopathic manipulations were to be done during the period when the packs were being used. Two days later, another reading was taken on the man, who had by then greatly improved (he had gall bladder gravel as well as kidney stones). Cayce’s psychic report was that the sedimentary conditions in the gall bladder and the hardening in the kidneys “have in a manner been dissolved by the use of the oil packs and the manipulations that have aided same to be expelled from the body itself.” The one session with the packs was all that was needed. After that, colonics and enemas provided cleansing for the intestinal tract.
For a teen-ager (427-2) who was diagnosed as having stones, or “sediments” in the kidneys as Cayce called it, a prescription was given to be taken “every second day” in the morning before breakfast:
Phosphate of soda, 1/2 teaspoon
Syrup of sarsaparilla, 2 minims
Oil of juniper, 1 minim
And, every fifth day, one minim of sweet spirits of nitre was to be added to the mixture.
Attitudes were always directed toward constructive thinking and helpfulness. Anxieties were to be replaced by faith in the knowledge that help is available. The 14th chapter of St. John was recommended at least once in these particular readings, to be read every night before retiring.
For a man of 34 years who was experiencing an acute attack of kidney stones, Cayce suggested (in reading 5580-1) osteopathy and the following herbal remedy: To one gallon of rain water, add
Sarsaparilla root, 4 ounces
Wild cherry bark, 2 ounces
Yellow dock root, 2 ounces
Calisaya bark, 2 ounces
Black root, 2 ounces
Mandrake root, 30 grains
Buchu leaves, 10 grains
Reduce by simmering to one quart. Strain while warm. Add three drams of balsam of tolu cut in four ounces of grain alcohol. Give two teaspoonfuls four times daily.
Finally, surgery was occasionally prescribed. For a 56-year-old woman with a large stone, Cayce saw “accumulations in the kidney itself from conditions where incoordination between the circulations of liver and kidneys has caused sediments to form, irritations that, as to size and condition, will require operative measures … We would operate.” (3623- 1)
III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

For prevention of stones, the Cayce readings suggest that one should always look first to one’s attitudes and emotions. Make corrections there, if needed. Then adopt a good basic diet which avoids fried foods, red meats (for the most part), white flour and white sugar products, and certain combinations of foods (such as cereals and citrus at the same meal). There are many publications on the market now dealing with Cayce’s suggestions about diet, and these should be consulted. Lots of green vegetables and fruits are good, with fish, fowl and lamb supplying the protein.

Exercise regularly. Osteopathic or chiropractic treatments at intervals, even when one feels normal, are good procedures to follow. Full-body massages are good alternatives to the manipulations, especially if the latter are not available.

For the acute case of kidney stones, it is vitally important that relaxation be induced, so that the stone can pass without surgical interference. Here, the turpentine stupes can be used as well as the castor oil packs. Both of these tend to help break up the stone, and so are helpful. Osteopathic manipulations are very important in these instances; they aid in the relaxation of the tissues and help in the coordination of the liver and kidneys. Colonics or enemas are also helpful. The eucalyptol prescription in step 9 above might be helpful and, of course, it is very important that the patient help all he can by allowing his body to relax. (While biofeedback had not even been thought of when Cayce gave his readings, it is one way of training people to relax portions of their bodies.)

Attitudes should be of the nature of believing that the condition can be overcome. But it should be remembered that acute renal calculus is a very severe condition, and the aid of a narcotic to relax the ureter and the possibility of surgery as a final necessity should not be ruled out.

For the chronic case of renal calculi, all of those measures suggested for prevention should be utilized, keeping the body in a constructive phase and letting dissolution of the stone come about gradually – if it does come about at all. If the stone is large, such as a “staghorn” calculus, pieces may break off as dissolution occurs; these could cause acute problems as they try to pass down the ureter. Turpentine stupes may be used over a long period of time – and other measures that have been suggested in this commentary – but it must always be recognized that each person must make choices for himself. A large stone residing in the pelvis of the kidney is not an easy thing to correct. In many instances because of the psychological makeup of the individual, it may not be easily possible for the condition to be corrected. On the other hand, if the Cayce readings are to be taken at face value, it is always possible to clear up any condition. Choice is necessary as well as prayer, then definitive action to arrive at the method and the correction.

But no matter what the problem one faces regarding kidney stones – their formulation or their presence – the instruction that Cayce gave to a 53-year-old man suffering from a kidney stone should be kept in mind:

And let thy prayer oft be, in thy deeper meditation:
Father, God, Thou art life! Thou art hope! Thou art justice! Thou art mercy! In these may I, Thy servant, claim Thy care, Thy love; that my body may be cleansed as my mind may be cleansed, that I may be before Thee holy and acceptable unto Thee to do service to my fellow man in Thy name; and that the glory of Thy love as manifested in the Christ, my Savior, our Savior, may be manifested more and more in the earth…
And be consistent as to the applications of those suggestions and those activities that may bring about this; for every force and every power in the earth is of Him. Will you use it in His service or in defying Him in thy vain glory? (370-5)

[Note: The preceding overview was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician’s Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

Health and Rejuvenation Research Center
Cayce Health Database


Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. “Tender points” refers to tenderness that occurs in precise, localized areas, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. People with this syndrome may also experience sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and other symptoms.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans. It primarily occurs in women of childbearing age, but children, the elderly, and men can also be affected.

From a medical perspective, the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, researchers have several theories about causes or triggers of the disease. Some scientists believe that the syndrome may be caused by an injury or trauma. This injury may affect the central nervous system. Fibromyalgia may be associated with changes in muscle metabolism, such as decreased blood flow, causing fatigue and decreased strength. Others believe the syndrome may be triggered by an infectious agent such as a virus in susceptible people, but no such agent has been identified.

Fibromyalgia is difficult to diagnose because many of the symptoms mimic those of other diseases. The physician reviews the patient’s medical history and makes a diagnosis of fibromyalgia based on a history of chronic widespread pain that persists for more than 3 months. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) has developed criteria for fibromyalgia that physicians can use in diagnosing the disease. According to ACR criteria, a person is considered to have fibromyalgia if he or she has widespread pain in combination with tenderness in at least 11 of 18 specific tender point sites.

Treatment of fibromyalgia requires a comprehensive approach. The physician, physical therapist, and patient may all play an active role in the management of fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that aerobic exercise, such as swimming and walking, improves muscle fitness and reduces muscle pain and tenderness. Heat and massage may also give short-term relief. Antidepressant medications may help elevate mood, improve quality of sleep, and relax muscles. Fibromyalgia patients may benefit from a combination of exercise, medication, physical therapy, and relaxation. (National Institutes of Health)


According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.(NORD), a division of the National Institutes of Health, the syndrome presently called fibromyalgia has been known by many names over the years. During Edgar Cayce’s era it was commonly called muscular rheumatism. Several individuals with this diagnosis received readings on their condition.

For example, reading 5233-1 was given for a seventy-nine-year-old man who was suffering from muscular rheumatism:

(Q) What can be done for muscular rheumatism?
(A) We have just been describing what should be done for the general system and this includes those activities also. Do these things indicated and the conditions where there is the effect to heart, liver, lungs and kidneys will be improved; which all are a part of the general conditions here. (5233-1)

Note the references to the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys. Edgar Cayce often referred to these vital organs as the “hepatic system.” Thus the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia were linked to the functioning of these organs.

The liver and kidneys are primary detoxifiers of the body. Systemic toxicity usually involve these organs. Systemic toxicity is one of the most frequently cited causative factors in the Cayce readings for persons suffering from muscle and joint pain.

Treatment recommendation for this man included colonic irrigations, fume baths and massage, and mild laxatives. The emphasis was clearly on internal cleansing to decrease the toxicity of the body.

Reading 3255-1 was given for a sixty-four-year-old woman suffering from fibromyalgia. Systemic toxicity and hepatic system involvement were also noted in her reading:

This is what might ordinarily be called a condition wherein the general taxation has run down the battery for the body; that is, the toxic forces in the body have become excessive. Thus there are pains in the arms, or shoulders at times, in the back, through the lower limbs and through the abdominal area. All of these come and go, dependent upon how well and how thoroughly the eliminations are in the body, and as to whether in the diet the body keeps the general physical forces alkaline or allows the greater portion to become acid. Then we have those reflexes that cause some disturbance with the heart, with the kidneys and with the liver. These all arise from toxic forces that affect naturally (for, as the body battery is) heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. These must coordinate. When they do not, some portion of it is going to revert. (3255-1)

The Edgar Cayce readings consistently maintain that the liver and kidneys serve as the “batteries of the body.” The liver is said to be the positive pole of the battery, the kidneys the negative. Thus, when the liver and kidneys are deficient in their functioning, the body’s battery may be said to have run down. Fatigue and low vitality are the result. These features are common in people with fibromyalgia.

Note the emphasis on maintaining a proper alkaline/acid balance. Keeping the system slightly alkaline was encouraged by Edgar Cayce. The standard diet recommended by Cayce is helpful in this direction. This woman was told to obtain colonic irrigations, fume baths and massage, and to use a mild laxative. Thus, internal cleansing was a major emphasis in the treatment plan for this person.

Readings 1655-1 and 1655-2 provide further documentation on the causes and treatment of fibromyalgia. Most likely, fibromyalgia can be produced by a variety of factors. One pattern is that the individuals suffer a prolonged episode of the flu or other infectious disorder from which they never fully recover. Edgar Cayce described this pattern in reading 1655-1:

Some time back there were those conditions produced by an intestinal flu; and the condition produced in the ascending colon, and in the areas of the caecum as well as those farther up – or as related to the emptying of the duodenum; and also from inflammatory conditions – the right ovary.
All of these have produced and do produce the conditions where a neuritic, rheumatic effect has existed; and the effects of the poison, and the pressures upon the tissue through the area and the activity of same upon the organs of assimilation, are the seat and the cause of the disturbance…
All of these are the disturbances through the activities for this body. While, through care and attention, these do not produce so much disturbance, we find that at times – with the lack of proper eliminations, and overactivity mentally OR physically – the body tends to tire easily. Also a reaction is caused from the lack of the full eliminations; as does cold or congestion of any nature; upsetting the digestive system as well as the activities of the organs of the pelvis during Periods; and the general tired and headachey feeling, with an aching all over when there are disturbances. (1655-1)

The mental/emotional aspects of the condition were addressed in the second reading for this woman:

(Q) Is part of my seeming illness mental?
(A) The attitude, of course, has much to do; but it is rather the physical condition creating the mental. But make for more hopeful, more helpful, more constructive thinking – and this would improve the general condition much. (1655-2)

The treatment plan for this person recommended moderate outdoor exercise and a basic diet with emphasis on fruits and vegetables. Manual therapy (spinal manipulations) was suggested relieve pressures along the spine and improve functioning of the hepatic and digestive systems. Castor oil packs were recommended to assist with eliminations and relax the body. A ginseng tonic to assist with digestion and eliminations was prescribed. Minute dosages of beef juice was recommended to increase vitality.


The treatments recommended in the Cayce readings on fibromyalgia are mainly directed toward improving the digestive, circulatory, nervous, and eliminating systems. Diet, moderate exercise, a mild form of energy medicine (Radial Appliance), spinal manipulations and general massage, colon irrigation, and castor oil packs are therapies intended to improve these vital systemic functions. As was typical of Cayce’s holistic approach, the mental and spiritual aspects of therapy were emphasized.

Here are the basic therapies recommended for the treatment of fibromyalgia based on the Cayce information on this disorder:

1. INTERNAL CLEANSING: Hydrotherapy includes drinking six to eight glasses of pure water daily, colonic irrigations (preferably) or enemas, and a cleansing diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Castor oil packs across the abdomen are recommended to improve eliminations through the liver and colon. Mild laxatives may be helpful if constipation is a problem. Fume baths assist with elimination of toxins through the skin.
MANUAL THERAPY (SPINAL MANIPULATION AND MASSAGE): Osteopathic or chiropractic treatment is recommended to relieve any pressures that may be hindering circulation and decreasing eliminations. Gentle massage is suggested to relax the body and improve circulation and eliminations.
DIET: The Basic Cayce Diet is intended to improve assimilation and elimination. The diet focuses heavily on keeping a proper alkaline/acid balance while avoiding foods which produce toxicity and drain the system. Essentially, the diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables while avoiding fried foods and refined carbohydrates (“junk food”. Certain food combinations are emphasized.
ENERGY MEDICINE: In addition to the above therapies which will tend to improve circulation, the Radial Appliance is recommended to further assist in increasing relaxation and nervous system coordination. Edgar Cayce said that this appliance would be helpful for anyone having problems with disturbed sleep and fatigue.
MEDICINE: A ginseng tonic is recommended to improve digestion and eliminations. Small dosages of beef juice are recommended for persons who experience significant fatigue and lack of vitality.
MODERATE EXERCISE: Walking or other moderate exercise is recommended. Be outdoors in the open as much as possible.
ATTITUDES AND EMOTIONS: The mental and emotional aspects of healing are frequently discussed in the Cayce readings. Particularly, an attitude of desiring and expecting to be healed is important. A positive mental and emotional attitude and can be created and maintained by focusing on a high purpose (ideal) for being healed.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Health & Rejuvenation Center
A.R.E – Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
Telephone: (757) 428-3588 ext. 7340
E-mail us at: [email protected]

[ ~*~AnGeLWinGs~*~ | 27/3/2003 ]

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