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Edgar Cayce Wijsheid

Edgar Cayce quotes

Edgar Cayce "The Father of Wholistic Medicine" and American psychic.

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“Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.”
― Edgar Cayce

“There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,
it doesn’t behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us”
― Edgar Cayce

“Great numbers of children will be born who understand electronics and atomic power as well as other forms of energy. They will grow into scientists and engineers of a new age which has the power to destroy civilization unless we learn to live by spiritual laws.”
― Edgar Cayce

“A soulmate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes. We are attracted to another person at a soul level not because that person is our unique complement, but because by being with that individual, we are somehow provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.”
― Edgar Cayce
“If you learn music you’ll learn most all there is to know.”
― Edgar Cayce
“In every person of whatever station look not for things to criticize, but for something you adore in your Creator.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Birth in the physical is death in the spiritual. Death in the physical is birth in the spiritual.”
― Edgar Cayce, Reincarnation and Karma
“There will be a shifting of the poles. There will be upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make fotr the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas… The upper portion of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Individuals do not meet by chance. They are necessary in the experiences of others, though they may not always use their opportunities in a spiritual way or manner.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For resentments of any nature bring their fruit in the physical.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For all that ye may ever keep is just what you give away, and that you give away is advice, counsel, manner of life you live yourself.” The manner in which you treat your fellow man, your patience, your brotherly love, your kindness, your gentleness. That you give away, that is all that ye may possess in those other realms of consciousness.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For as we forgive, we are forgiven; as we condemn others, we are ourselves condemned. Thus in patience condemn not, neither find fault; not condoning, not agreeing, but let thine own life so shine that others, seeing thy patience, knowing thy understanding, comprehending thy peace, may take hope.”
― Edgar Cayce
“… if the entity allows [the relationships with individuals] to produce a hardening of the heart, or of a determination to get even, or of those conditions that hold for discontent, malice, or otherwise, these must surely bring the destructive forces that build that which the entity must meet; for, in truth, that builded in the mental forces of a body is as active in the experiences as must come to the entity as were done in the very material act…”
― Edgar Cayce
“First, know thine own ideal – spiritual, mental and material; not as to what ye would have others do, but what ye would do for others.”
― Edgar Cayce
“The entity should attempt, – seriously, prayerfully, spiritually, – to see even that as might be called the ridiculous side of every question, – the humor in same. Remember that a good laugh, an arousing even to what might in some be called hilariousness, is good for the body, physically, mentally, and gives the opportunity for greater mental and spiritual awakening.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Keep the body – or keep the mind, and it will keep the body! – in a constructive manner. That is, think the pleasant things, even when the outlook may be the darkest. Do not allow the little things that are hindrances make for irritating, or to hurt the feelings. For naturally the body is sensitive to feelings of others, through the overflow of those activities in the sympathetic system. But know that God is! Know that He protects those who put their trust in Him; that what is necessary will be supplied thee if ye will keep joyous, keep happy, keep in that way of constructive forces throughout!”
― Edgar Cayce
“For, none may tell another how to be beautiful. It must be the reflection of that entertained in the heart and mind of the individual. And as He is beauty, He is friendship, He is love, the more and the nearer individuals reflect that in their conversation, in their dealings with their fellow man, the greater the glory to Him.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For remember, ever, that Mind in its entirety is ever the Builder. For it is step by step, line by line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little, that the attaining is accomplished in the mental, the spiritual, the material applications of an entity in this material world.”
― Edgar Cayce
“As there has been given, dreams are of different natures, and have their inception from influences either in the body, in the mind, or from the realm of activity without the body through the desires and purposes of the soul itself.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Each one who has a soul has a psychic power–but remember, brother, there are no shortcuts to God!”
― Edgar Cayce
“This is harder than it first appears: Try in thine own experience, each; that ye speak not for one whole day unkindly of any; that ye say not a harsh word to any, about any; and see what [such] a day would bring to you . . .”
― Edgar Cayce
“For all prayer is answered. Don’t tell God how to answer it. Make thy wants known to Him. Live as if ye expected them to be answered. For He has given, “What ye ask in my name, believing, that will my Father in heaven give to thee.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Be happy–be in the attitude of ever being helpful to others. This will bring that peace within that is the promise from Him.”
― Edgar Cayce
“(Q)Please explain for me what is meant by “soul-mate” . . .
(A) Those of any sect or group where there is the answering of one to another; as would be the tongue to the groove, the tenon to the mortise; or in any such where they are a complement one of another–that is what is meant by “soul-mate.” Not that as from physical attraction, but from the mental and spiritual help.”
― Edgar Cayce
“As the soul seeks, then, for that which is the sustenance of the body—as what the food is to a developing, a growing body, so are the words of truth (which are life, which are love, which are God) sought that make for growth, even as the digesting of the material things in a body make for a growth. This growth may not be felt in the consciousness of materialization. It is experienced by the consciousness of the soul… Feed, then, upon the fruits of the spirit. Love, hope, joy, mercy, long-suffering, brotherly love, and the contact, the growth, will be seen; and within the consciousness of the soul will the awareness come of the personality of the God in thee!”
― Edgar Cayce
“For, as in the material world ye find that ye do not gather figs from thistles, neither in the mental world may one think hate and find love in one’s bosom; neither in the spiritual realm may one entertain the desire for ego to express irrespective of others and find the beauty of the spiritual thinking life.”
― Edgar Cayce

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“To express love in thine activities to thy neighbor is the greater service that a soul may give in this mundane sphere.”
― Edgar Cayce
“But the less one thinks of self’s opinions, and the better listener one becomes, greater may be the opportunities for being of help or benefit to those about the entity.”
― Edgar Cayce

“This may be set as a criterion to any-yes, ’to all: When such an experiment, such a trial, draws or tires, or makes the mind foggy or dull or become as a drain upon the physical energies, know you are attuning wrong-and static has entered, from some source! For the universal consciousness is constructive, not destructive in any manner-but ever constructive in its activity with the elements that make up an entity’s experience in the physical consciousness. 792-2”
― Edgar Cayce

“Anyone can find fault. It is the wise person who finds that which encourages another in the turmoils and strifes of the day.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Don’t put the material first, for you have to live with yourself a long, long while! Become acquainted with yourself. Know yourself and the relationship to the Creative Forces.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For, know that each soul constantly meets its own self. No problem may be run away from. Meet it now!”
― Edgar Cayce
“In the beginning all souls were as a unity to the God-Force. As self added or subtracted that which was in keeping with God’s purpose, ye added or subtracted from the blessings ye might be conscious of in materiality. Thus karma is builded. And the law is perfect – what ye sow, ye reap.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Know in self that in giving a helpful influence, the magnifying of virtues in others and the minimizing of faults is the beginning of wisdom in dealing with others.”
― Edgar Cayce
“There is today, every day, set before thee good and evil, life and death–choose thou. For only self can separate you from the love of the Father. For it should be manifested to thee that thou art conscious in a living world, aware of suffering, of sorrow, of joy, of pleasure. These, to be sure, are the price one pays for having will, knowledge. But let that knowledge be spent in a way and manner to help others. For as ye do to thy fellow man ye do to thy Maker.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For a man is a little lower than the angels, yet was made that he might become the companion of the Creative Forces; and thus was given–in the breath of life–the individual soul, the stamp of approval as it were of the Creator; with the ability to know itself to be itself, and to make itself, as one with the Creative Forces–irrespective of other influences.”
― Edgar Cayce
“For this – the ideal, as it is set – should be not as to what others should do to make the ideal situation for self, but as to how self may apply itself in its ideal to bring the ideal relationships with others.”
― Edgar Cayce
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“Q- What is the highest possible psychic realization … ?
A- That God, the Father, speaks directly to the sons of men-even as He has promised. 440-4”
― Edgar Cayce
“Know that whatever experience ye have in the material sojourns for a purpose. Know that it is not by chance that ye are in a material or earthly consciousness in the present. For know that all activities of the mind, of the body, must be based upon spiritual things.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Of mornings the body should rise early. First take the full setting-up exercises of the body, upper and lower, circling the body from hips up, bending from hips, stooping from hips, circling arms, head and neck. Then be rubbed down well over the spine, with very cold cloth (wet) and then rubbed until the body glows from the blood and circulation being brought to these portions. Do this each morning.”
― Edgar Cayce
“How develop the psychic forces? So live in body, in mind, that self may be a channel through which the Creative Forces may run. How is the current of life or of modern science used in the commercial world? By preparing a channel through which same may run into, or through, that necessary for the use in the material things. So with the body mentally, physically, spiritually, so make the body, the mind, the spiritual influences, a channel-and the natural consequence will be the manifestations.
How best, then, to develop those latent forces in one now, those who have reached the years of maturity or responsibility in self? Let that mind be in you as was in Him who thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with God, yet took on Himself the burden of all, that through His physical suffering, His privation in body, in mind, there might come the blessings to others. Not self, but others. He, or she, that may lose self, then, for others, may develop those faculties that will give the greater expression of psychic forces in their experience.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Thus the purpose of each experience is that the entity may magnify and glorify that which is good. For, good is of the one source, God, and is eternal.Then as an individual entity magnifies that which is good, and minimizes that which is false, it grows in grace, in knowledge, in understanding.”
― Edgar Cayce
“Begin to study all phases of psychic phenomena… begin to read the scripture, searching for those portions of same that give the warning, as well as the instruction as to how one would seek to be an individual who may give a great deal to mankind…
Then take the 30th of Deuteronomy, where there is the admonition as to the source, that it’s not from somewhere else, but it is within thine own self. For that influence of the Creative Force is so near, yea closer even than thy own hand!

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Then analyze that, reading in connection with same all of the story of Ruth as to her sincerity. And if it needs to be, those companionships may be drawn from thine own activities, and the fear of what may be in the future will fade as the mists before the morning sun.

For in the study of these, not merely read to know them, but get the meaning of universal love, not attempting to make it personal but universal. For God is love and, as ye go about to manifest same in thy conversation, ye may find the true meaning of love…”
― Edgar Cayce

“Then, to be able to remember the sunset, to be able to remember a beautiful conversation, a beautiful deed done where hope and faith were created, to remember the smile of a babe, the blush of a rose, the harmony of a song–a bird’s call; these are creative. For if they are a part of thyself, they bring you closer and closer to God.”
― Edgar Cayce

“For until ye are willing to lose thyself in service, ye may not indeed know that peace which He has promised to give–to all.”
― Edgar Cayce

“As God’s purpose is to glorify the individual [hu]man (or soul) in the earth, so the highest purpose of an individual soul or entity is to glorify the Creative Energy or God in the earth.”
― Edgar Cayce

“Keep about the body congenial companionship, or make self express congeniality in whatever environ or sphere of activity the period may carry the body.”
― Edgar Cayce

“You get to heaven on the arms of people you have helped.”
― Edgar Cayce
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“Know that the fault ye find in others is a reflection of a fault in thyself. Be to others just as you would have others be to thee, and ye will remove much of that.”
― Edgar Cayce

“How can we discriminate between selfish and unselfish desires? As to what has motivated and does motivate the desire. If it is for the self, or for the glorification of the Christ Consciousness in thine experience. That this or that may appear to self as being well, if such and such an experience were thine own. But, as has been given, each soul may find in self an answer to that it seeks or desires to know from what source it(the desire) has originated, or is in its impelling force. First ask self in the physical consciousness, and answer – and find an answer – yes or no.
Then enter into the inner self through meditation and prayer, and seek the answer there.”
― Edgar Cayce

“Meditate, oft. Separate thyself for a season from the cares of the world. Get close to nature and learn from the lowliest of that which manifests in nature, in the earth; in the birds, in the trees, in the grass, in the flowers, in the bees; that the life of each is a manifesting, is a song of glory to its Maker. And do thou likewise!”
― Edgar Cayce

“For, as has been indicated from the innate experience as well as from the longings within, a home – home – with all its deeper, inner meanings, is a portion of the entity’s desire; to know, to experience, to have the “feel” of, to have the surroundings of that implied by the word home! Is it any wonder then that in all of thy meditation, Ohm-O-h-m-mmmmm has ever been, is ever a portion of that which raises self to the highest influence and the highest vibrations throughout its whole being that may be experienced by the entity?”
― Edgar Cayce

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“Do not hold the idea, “Well, I know what they are going to say or do, but I’ll do as best I can.” Disregard that! Know the spirit with which ye do a thing is the spirit that will respond to thee!”
― Edgar Cayce

“What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.”
― Edgar Cayce

“The Word – is the key to life. – When man speaks the word “I Am” he directly links himself with God.”
― Edgar Cayce

“For, while selflessness is the law, to belittle self is a form of selfishness and not selfless.
But putting the ideal in that which is the Way, know that if and when the Lord is with thee, ye are already in the great majority; ye are then glorifying the Lord, not attempting to justify self. For, justifying of self is blaming someone else.”
― Edgar Cayce

“For, know all power, all influence that is of a creative nature is of the Father-God a manifestation. Not as an individual, not as a personality, but as good, as love, as law, as longsuffering, as patience, as brotherly love, as kindness, as gentleness; yet in all the beauties of nature–in the blush of the rose, in the baby’s smile, in the song of the bird, in the ripple of the brook, in the wind, in the wave, in all of those influences or forces that bring to His creatures a consciousness of Life itself and its awareness and its activity in a material plane.”
― Edgar Cayce

“Then–in correcting the entity–do not ever break the entity’s will! Reason with the entity, for the mental ability and aspects will incline to make the entity become stubborn, if there is the attempt to force or to cause the entity to act in any direction or manner “just because.” Tell [the entity] why!”
― Edgar Cayce
“It doesn’t matter, because it just doesn’t matter.”
― Edgar Cayce
“…smile upon those that are downhearted and sad; lift the load from those that find theirs too heavy to bear, in gentleness, in kindness, in long-suffering, in patience, in mercy, in brotherly love. And as ye show forth these to thy fellow man, the ways and the gates of glory open before thee. ‪”
― Edgar Cayce

“When ye are prepared for a thing, the opportunity to use it presents itself.”
― Edgar Cayce

“Who is blameless? Only those that blame no one for aught that is, has been or may be. Only in creating hope, life, understanding, harmony, does one become blameless. For, as you understand, they that would be loved must show themselves lovely; they that would have friends must be a friend to others. For in the manner you treat others, you treat your Lord. Let that light which has aroused you be alive, awakened. Condemn no one. And as you come seeking, know, understand, as you create same in the lives of others so is it reflected in your own.”
― Edgar Cayce

“To continue to condemn only brings condemnation, then, for self. This does not mean that self’s activity should be passive, but rather being constant in prayer–knowing and taking, knowing and understanding that he that is faithful is not given a burden beyond that he is able to bear . . .”
― Edgar Cayce

“In giving that as may be constructive in the experience of the entity at this time, who is to say as to whether an entity has advanced or made use of the opportunities from any given period?
Rather it is expedient that there be, by the entity, an analysis of self and self’s motives, self’s desires; as may be judged by those that are the ideals of the entity, materially, socially, mentally, spiritually.
And if the entity has not measured up to that which is its ideal, then the corrections must be within self.”
― Edgar Cayce

“Keep an even, normal balance in diet of body, diet of mind, and the use and associations of same in every way; for as a man thinketh in his heart (not as he speaks, but as he thinketh in his heart) so is he. So, keep the body fit, keep the mind fit. Do not allow little antagonisms of body OR mind to undo that thou hast builded in thine experience.”
― Edgar Cayce

“The entity should keep close to all of those things that have to do with outdoor activities, for it is the best way to keep yourself young–to stay close to nature, close to those activities in every form of exercise that breathes in the deep ozone and the beauty of nature. For you may breathe it into thine own soul, as you would a sunset or a morning sun rising. And see that sometimes–it’s as pretty as the sunset!”
― Edgar Cayce

“For as is indicated in the law that changes not, the manner in which ye treat thy fellowman, ye are treating thy Maker. Thus each individual soul-entity meets its ownself and must give an account for the deeds done in the body and in the body-mind. For that ye thinketh in thy heart, so are ye.”
― Edgar Cayce

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