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Rh Negative Eye Colours

Rh Negative Eye Colours

It is said that eyes can never lie, that when you look into someone’s eyes you can see their true spirit. There are so many different colours and shades of eyes but Rh negatives do tend to have lighter eyes in general. They also tend to have mood eyes – changing colour depending on their mood and what they are wearing.

I decided to a survey to find out the most popular eye colours in Rh negatives and then a survey out in the public where anyone could answer.

Because all eye colours are made up from brown and blue, and the colour in between those is green I decided to make the survey more fair we should group certain shades in to one of these three groups, as follows:

Brown Eyes – Amber, Black.
Green Eyes – Hazel, Olive.
Blue Eyes – Grey, Violet.

Here are the results within the Rh negative study group.

Chart Created by & © Copyright Tia L Douglass 2012 All Rights Reserved

As you can see in the Rh negative study group green is the highest, closely followed by blue and brown is the lowest. This points to the original Rh negatives having blue eyes. Brown is the dominant eye colour which normally over rides any other colour, then green, then blue. Seeing as blue is so high here it shows that those with Rh negative genes do carry the blue eyed gene strongly, as all green eyed people also carry it.

Here is the chart for the general public results, within Europe, Scandinavia, America and Australia.

Chart Created by & © Copyright Tia L Douglass 2012 All Rights Reserved

These results are harder to get a good picture from because it isn’t a worldwide survey and seeing as the vast majority of the world has brown eyes. However this is including areas with the highest number of blue eyes.

What is interesting is how people seem to think that green eyes are rare, however there are lot of places in the world where the people have green eyes, and these areas show where our ancient bloodline families have visited the most, as the genes are still strong there, because as I said, all people with green eyes carry the blue eyed genes. Obviously after time an area left behind will slowly lose all green and blue eyes completely, so long as people are breeding with people with brown eyes, as they are the dominant genes.

We all have the same two eye colour genes. What gives us different eye colours are which variations of these genes we have.

One of these genes is called HERC2. It comes in two variations, brown and blue. The other gene, called gey, also comes in two versions — green and blue.

Your eye colour depends on which combination of these versions you have as shown below:

So you can see how difficult it is for someone to have green or blue eyes, especially blue.


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