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Films en Muziek


‘Soldier on’ is about courage. It’s an ode to anyone who dares to stand out, and claim their place in this fear-ridden world we’re living in.
‘Soldaat op’ gaat over moed. Het is een ode aan iedereen die zich durft te onderscheiden en zijn plaats opeist in deze door angst geteisterde wereld waarin we leven.

Soldiering on woman, you’re always true to form
Just keep on pushing your shopping cart through the storm
Most people buy it
But you feel it’s one that we can no longer afford
You stopped believing in our story
You say it’s way too short
Ain’t nobody out there as brave as you
You’re holdin’ your own
A million different voices
That are trying to break you
Just listen to one
The one that’s inside you
And soldier on
You’re governed by the winds that reign
You armed yourself with a flower chain and a broken cane
Nobody cares how you feel
like they think your heart
Doesn’t bleed the same
We wouldn’t hear the truth if it cried in our faces
Ain’t nobody out there as brave as you
You’re holdin’ your own
A million different voices
That are trying to break you
Just listen to one
The one that’s inside you
And soldier on
And soldier on

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