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11:11 Dubbele getallen

Wijsheid is

Al is een leugen nog zo snel….

De waarheid achterhaalt hem wel!

 Die leugens zoekt voor zijn gebreken, wordt nooit verschoond.

“Een leugenaar misleidt men het gemakkelijkst door de waarheid te spreken.”

“Een leugenaar moet veel onthouden.”

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”

“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.” 

broken, liars, lies, live, picture quotes

Lies lies lies

Truth about lies

I know!!! Oh the lies... Extremely sick!!! And ... The big one was- who wants KC! I would never be with her again- I was drugged the time before- ha... Oh I can't stand her voice and to hear her talk and gross body--Have fun with that:D

I get lied to and cheated on ...oh and kicked to the curb. Ive given myself 100% and it sucks.So tired of being guilted with lies....while they talk to and hook up with other woman.why do they have to lie and say they love you when they don't.Both my exes.Both talk shit boththe same.So tired of it.


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