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11:11 Dubbele getallen

Video van een echte ster?

Here is the latest version of the video of THE REAL STARS ⭐️ EVERYONE must SHARE !! 🙌🎥💦🌈🌟💫 !! NASA is a HOAX !!!
We can’t be fooled no more !!!!
Remember :
1- Nasa was created by a nazi Wernher von Braun.
2- Nazis were created/financed by the luciferian illuminati/freemasons Rothschild banksters & Co.
3- The fake/magic Heliocentric model of our empty/dark/scary Universe was Imposed by Freemasons 500 years ago and now we can see their lies !!

A Ball divides us all, they want chaos for power !!! But Knowledge is power, so we gotta take the knowledge/power back !! Rage against the matrix !
The Earth is NOT a magic BALL with water and gaz sticking to it !

The YOUTUBE >> ” iN StaR GRAM Firmament ” Channel is also available so you can find an even better quality on youtube, LiKE, SHARE and Follow !!!  and enjoy 🤲🙏 God Bless you Brothers and Sisters, Truth will set us free !

Brosi… 😉 geen idee wat het wel is, maar vast geen ster.

Ps die lens lijkt me wel erg cool!

Nikon P1000
Optical zoom x 125 noice


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