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Maatschappij & Psyche

Art about Love

Every night I dream of holding you close and never letting go!  #cnw

I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.  ~City of Angels Art: Hm Samarel                                #lovequotes

picture prompt

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth There are many signs you’ve met someone from your past life

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2. Ride Into The Horizon


Image about love in by Olga Liliana on We Heart It

Photos of The Witch of Clan Sinclair - The Witch of Clan Sinclair step back

AMOR, AMOR.....❤



Fabian Perez


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