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Fascinerende voertuigen uit een ver verleden

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Fascinerende voertuigen uit een ver verleden.

Sinds de oudheid staat India bekend om zijn lange traditie van Spirituele waarden.
Tegelijkertijd is er geen land op aarde waar wij zulke gedetailleerde beschrijvingen kunnen vinden van een gevaarlijke en buitenaardse, maar ook zeer geavanceerde technologie.

De oude Vedische literatuur staat vol met verhalen over verschillende mensachtige wezens in het heelal, vliegende machines van verschillende grootte en vorm, ongeloflijke ruimteschepen, kosmische steden, dodelijke wapens en nucleaire oorlogen.
Was dit alles alleen maar verbeelding en fantasie van de oude bevolking in India?
Het is onwaarschijnlijk. Er zouden zich meer wetenschappers moeten gaan buigen juist over deze oude verhalen en dit eens goed onderzoeken.
Dit zou de wereld verbeteren ten opzichte van religie en geschiedenis, en de mensheid.

We zouden ons dan meer bewust zijn van het bestaan van andere levensvormen in het heelal, onze oorsprong en de rol die wij spelen in het heelal..

Hindoïsme is gebouwd op de mythologie en filosofie. De filosofische teksten staan bekend als de Veda’s en de Upanishads.
Veda komt van het woordt wortel en Vid van de middelen.
De Veda is verdeeld in vier grote boeken:
De Rig Veda, de Yaju-Veda, de Sama-Veda, en de Atharva-Veda.

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De mythologische teksten zijn te vinden in de Itihasa en de Purana.
De Itihasa bestaat uit vier boeken, de Ramayana, de Yogavasishtha, de Mahabharate en de Harivamsa waarvan de Ramayana en de Mahabharate de bekendste zijn.
-De Ramayana beschrijft het leven van Rama, de zevende incarnatie van Heer Vishnu, de oppergod die verantwoordelijk is voor het behoud van het heelal.

-De Mahabharata betreft de Grote Oorlog tussen de neven Kaurava en Pandava’s, een gebeurtenis tijdens de achtste incarnatie van Heer Vishnu plaatsvond.

-De Puranas bieden mythologische kennis over incarnaties, kosmologie, creatie, genealogie van de koningen en de diverse tijdscycli.

-Purana betekend “oude”.
Er zijn in totaal 18 boeken van Purana.



-De meest populaire onder hen is de Srimad Bhavagata Purana, dat zich bezighoudt met de verschillende incarnaties van Vishnu. De Veda’s en de Purāna zijn zonder enige twijfel een grote bijdrage aan het begrip over de oude wereld.

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Er wordt aangenomen dat de Bhavagata Purana in de 9e eeuw na Christus werd geschreven, de Mahabharata in de 5e eeuw voor Chr., en de Ramayana is in de 6e eeuw voor Christus gedateerd.

Echter, de meesten zijn het erover eens dat deze oude werken gebeurtenissen beschrijven, die veel ouder zijn dan de historische periodes waarin ze geschreven zouden zijn.
Er wordt aangenomen dat alle drie teksten terug voeren naar minstens 3000 BC.

Zoals reeds eerder gezegd, kunnen de oude Indiase teksten zeer goed een oplossing presenteren voor veel van onze vragen over het leven in het heelal.
Het is jammer dat er honderden oude Indiase heldendichten geschreven in het Sanskriet- de klassieke taal van India en hindoe- nog niet eens in het Engels vertaald zijn. Volgens de Vedische literatuur bracht de ‘God-mens “het Sanskriet naar de Aarde.

Dr. V. Raghavan, een gepensioneerd hoofd van de Sanskriet-afdeling van vertalingen van de Universiteit van Madras in India verklaarde:

“Vijftig jaar onderzoek naar deze oude werken overtuigt me ervan dat er levende wezens op andere planeten leefden en dat ze de Aarde bezochten, lang geleden in 4000 voor Christus. Er is slechts een kleine hoeveelheid boeiende informatie over bv de vliegende machines, zelfs fantastische science fiction wapens, die gevonden kunnen worden in vertalingen van de Veda’s, Indiase heldendichten en andere oude Sanskriet tekst. ”

Volgens een andere autoriteit, Dr. AV Krishna Murty, hoogleraar luchtvaart aan het Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, is het waarschijnlijk dat de oude Sanskriet teksten echte gebeurtenissen beschrijven.


De Professor zei:
“Het is waar dat de oude Indiase Veda’s en andere tekst verwijzen naar de luchtvaart, ruimteschepen, vliegende machines en zelfs astronauten. Een studie van de Sanskriet teksten heeft mij ervan overtuigd dat het oude India kende het geheim voor het bouwen van machines en dat die werden gemodelleerd naar ruimteschepen van andere planeten. ”

Om te reizen en andere werelden te bezoeken was toen niet alleen mogelijk, maar ook een zeer realistische kwestie, volgens de oude beschaving van India.
Dit kan een reis zijn naar andere sterrenstelsels, een reis in hogere dimensies of zelfs een reis naar hogere-dimensionale regio’s in andere sterrenstelsels.
De Hindoe mythologie stelt dat hemelse wezens naar de Aarde kwamen in de zeer oude tijden. Zij leefden onder de mensen en verhuisden door het gebruik van vliegende voertuigen van verschillende soorten. De mens zelf wordt gezegd dat ze afstammelingen zijn van een ras genaamd de Deva’s, wat betekent “de stralenden”.

Hieronder ufo afbeeldingen uit de oudheid.

Quetzalcoatl. I see a mayan surrendering to a grey alien in a spaceship.:

Ancient painting...what are those? You can google many ancient paintings with things that appear to be ufo's. What was that about?:


A curious disc-shaped flying object has been discovered on an old painting in the Biserica Manastirii, or Church of the Dominican Monastery, in the town of Sighisoara, Romania.An unidentified flying object is visible over the house.:

A curious disc-shaped flying object has been discovered on an old painting in the Biserica Manastirii, or Church of the Dominican Monastery, in the town of Sighisoara, Romania. Anunidentified flying object is visible over the house.

Ancient Rock Wall Paintings -- Discovered in Val Camonica, Italy -- Circa 10,000 BCE -- Believed to depict forgotten deities.:
Ancient Rock Wall Paintings — Discovered in Val Camonica, Italy — Circa 10,000 BCE — Believed to depict forgotten deities.

Prehistoric cave paintings at Diana's Farm near Rusape, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). | © Paul Almasy:

Prehistoric cave paintings at Diana’s Farm near Rusape, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). | © Paul Almasy

Aliens and UFOS in Ancient art. yeah because that makes sense, no biggie!:

A fresco entitled "The Crucifixion" and was painted in 1350. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. The two objects in the painting, which could be considered UFO's, are enlarged below.:

A fresco entitled “The Crucifixion” and was painted in 1350. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. The two objects in the painting, which could be considered UFO’s, are enlarged below.

Biblioteca, Vatican, 700 (?) | This image depicts Mary at the tomb of Jesus. It is one of a series of images from the “Relinquary Box” which contains stones from holy sites of Palestine. Dated 6th-7th C. Located at Biblioteca, Vatican. Notice the dome shaped object above the tomb. If it is a building why is it hovering? Also, what is the round object on top?:

Biblioteca, Vatican, 700 (?) | This image depicts Mary at the tomb of Jesus. It is one of a series of images from the “Relinquary Box” which contains stones from holy sites of Palestine. Dated 6th-7th C. Located at Biblioteca, Vatican. Notice the dome shaped object above the tomb. If it is a building why is it hovering? Also, what is the round object on top?

India – UFO and ancient astronaut prehistoric paintings found in remote cave ?:

India – UFO and ancient astronaut prehistoric paintings found in remote cave

UFOs in art: What is that flying behind the man in Renaissance costume? This art excerpt shows a UFO that does not look like the sun, moon, star or comet. Notice how it has windows on the round ball shape!:

UFOs in art: What is that flying behind the man in Renaissance costume? This art excerpt shows a UFO that does not look like the sun, moon, star or comet. Notice how it has windows on the round ball shape!

26 symbols that have appeared again and again at worldwide sites across 25,000 years of prehistory.:

Klik op de afbeelding voor een vergroting.
Hier zie je dat over de hele wereld eenzelfde symbolen gebruikt zijn..26 symbols that have appeared again and again at worldwide sites across 25,000 years of prehistory.

Masolino da Panicale "Fondazione della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma" (circa 1428):
Masolino da Panicale “Fondazione della chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma” (circa 1428)

"The Miracle of the Snow" by Masolino Da Panicale circa 1400 from Florence, Italy in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, depicting Jesus and Mary on very non vaporous "lenticular clouds" (flat and circular), or accompanied by an armada of flying saucers stretching beyond the horizon.:

“The Miracle of the Snow” by Masolino Da Panicale circa 1400 from Florence, Italy in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, depicting Jesus and Mary on very non vaporous “lenticular clouds” (flat and circular), or accompanied by an armada of flying saucers stretching beyond the horizon.

proof of ancient Alien visit to earth? see UFO in sky in Renaissance Painting!:

Proof of ancient Alien visit to earth? See UFO in sky in Renaissance Painting!


Ancient+Alien+Cave+Paintings | In Search of Ancient Aliens:

Modern human technologies – unmatched in our long history. Or maybe not. Scientists and scholars have started thinking of late that an equally advanced technology and a civilization capable of harn…

Ancient Aliens Bible | ... Ancient UFO Sightings and Alien Intervention:

Modern human technologies – unmatched in our long history. Or maybe not. Scientists and scholars have started thinking of late that an equally advanced technology and a civilization capable of harn…

One of the fresco paintings at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo, artist unknown, 14th C.:

JOJO POST STAR GATES: France 1338.THERE WAS NO BALOON IN FRANCE IN 1338. SO WHO SAW THIS IN THE SKY AND WHAT WAS THAT?? Image on french book "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs" by Jacques Legrand. Chantilly Condé's Museum ref 1338 ,297 part 15 B 8. WHAT DO YOU SEE?? WHAT DO YOU THINK?? WHAT DO WE KNOW???:

France 1338.THERE WAS NO BALLOON IN FRANCE IN 1338. SO WHO SAW THIS IN THE SKY AND WHAT WAS THAT?? Image on french book “Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs” by Jacques Legrand. Chantilly Condé’s Museum ref 1338 ,297 part 15 B 8.

Painted circa 1490 by an unknown artist. Saucer shaped "clouds" intrigue modern ufologists. Could so many have appeared in the sky at one time? Or, are the hat shaped UFOs depicted so numerous here to -punctuate- certain events as being particularly holy?:

Painted circa 1490 by an unknown artist. Saucer shaped “clouds” intrigue modern ufologists. Could so many have appeared in the sky at one time? Or, are the hat shaped UFOs depicted so numerous here to -punctuate- certain events as being particularly holy?

ARTE RINASCIMENTALE: Il Battesimo di Cristo - Piero della Francesca - 1440-45. Londra, National Gallery.:

ARTE RINASCIMENTALE: Il Battesimo di Cristo – Piero della Francesca – 1440-45. Londra, National Gallery.

Ancient Astronauts...these paintings depicting space crafts and air travel. Painted in the year 1350. Ecclesiastes 1:9 That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, "See this, it is new "? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us.…:

Ancient Art:

The Mysterious Painting of Bonaventura Salimbeni - Unsolved Mysteries In The World:

The Mysterious Painting of Bonaventura Salimbeni – Unsolved Mysteries In The World

UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History - Crystalinks:

In addition to getting our attention with the rock hard Baby Jesus abs, Domenico Ghirlandaio's "Madonna with Saint Giovannino" also features an interesting little blob hovering in the sky over Mary's left shoulder. Above Mary's left shoulder we observe a disk-shaped object that appears to be shining. It is an object which the artist depicted in huge detail, making sure it would stand out in his work of art. To the right of the painting we can see a man who is holding his right arm above his eye:

In addition to getting our attention with the rock hard Baby Jesus abs, Domenico Ghirlandaio’s “Madonna with Saint Giovannino” also features an interesting little blob hovering in the sky over Mary’s left shoulder. Above Mary’s left shoulder we observe a disk-shaped object that appears to be shining. It is an object which the artist depicted in huge detail, making sure it would stand out in his work of art. To the right of the painting we can see a man who is holding his right arm above his eye

Old Paintings with UFOs...Moses on the mount:

Old Paintings with UFOs…Moses on the mount (Waarschijnlijk luchtschepen genoemd?)
Arte e "Eles"Rock Art de Tassili, Sahara, com mais de 15 mil anos:

These two tapestries were created in the 15th century. Both depict the life of Mary. Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries.The one on the right is entitled "The Magnificat". Both are located at the french basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy.:

These two tapestries were created in the 15th century. Both depict the life of Mary. Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries.The one on the right is entitled “The Magnificat”. Both are located at the french basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy.

Illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information.:

Illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information.

A wood cut found in Nurnberg Germany in 1561 depicts a large dark missile with a many others like it in the sky. Also depicted are globes, cylindrical space ships, and the sun. Many believe it shows humans witnessing a battle between aliens that was later recorded on the wood cut.:

A wood cut found in Nurnberg Germany in 1561 depicts a large dark missile with a many others like it in the sky. Also depicted are globes, cylindrical space ships, and the sun. Many believe it shows humans witnessing a battle between aliens that was later recorded on the wood cut.

Ancient UFO symbols:

Ancient UFO symbols

From the 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra." In the enlargement are two objects that look like hats, floating in mid air. One appears to have port holes. Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with "the speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound.".:

From the 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text “Prajnaparamita Sutra.” In the enlargement are two objects that look like hats, floating in mid air. One appears to have port holes. Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with “the speed of the wind” and gave forth a “melodious sound.”.

This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels' or UFOs November 4, 1697:

This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany The objects were described as ’two glowing wheels’ or UFOs November 4, 1697

Medal apparently commemorating a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in Renaissance France.:

Medal apparently commemorating a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in Renaissance France.

Ancient+Paintings+with+UFOs | These ancient aliens are called Elohim (Hebrew) by the followers of ...:

Ancient+Paintings+with+UFOs | These ancient aliens are called Elohim (Hebrew) by the followers of ..

There are plenty of examples of aliens in ancient art that clearly depict the fact that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings were around in those days. ET's and flying saucers appear in cave paintings, tapestries, woodcuts and paintings.:

There are plenty of examples of aliens in ancient art that clearly depict the fact that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings were around in those days. ET’s and flying saucers appear in cave paintings, tapestries, woodcuts and paintings.

This is a renaissance illustration of a UFO sighting in Rome detailed in a book "Prodigiorum liber" by Roman historian Julio Obsequens - "Something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky".:

This is a renaissance illustration of a UFO sighting in Rome detailed in a book “Prodigiorum liber” by Roman historian Julio Obsequens – “Something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky”

Yup 1608 Going way back. Seems they fired 800 rounds of cannon shot at them and didn't make a dent...:


These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript " Annales Laurissenses" (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.:

This Tapestry is called a Summers Triumph and it was created in Bruges in 1538. it is presently be held at the National Museum in Bayerisches. If you look closely you can see several UFOs or disc like objects at the top of the tapestry in the sky.:

UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Art History - Crystalinks:

Ancient Alien Theory:

France 6th Century

France 6th Century

It is not understood how the insides of some pyramids had colourful paintings and no deposits of soot from the required light sources. Is it because the Egyptians had light bulbs and electricity? Several reliefs like this one have been found, as have strange pots containing copper cylinders. Could these be galavanic elements - primitive batteries?:

It is not understood how the insides of some pyramids had colourful paintings and no deposits of soot from the required light sources. Is it because the Egyptians had light bulbs and electricity? Several reliefs like this one have been found, as have strange pots containing copper cylinders. Could these be galavanic elements – primitive batteries?

The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves are complex of Buddhist cave grottos dating from the 5th to 14th century between the cities of Turpan and Shanshan (Loulan) at the north-east of the Taklamakan Desert near the ancient ruins of Gaochang in the Mutou Valley, a gorge in the Flaming Mountains, China.[1] They are high on the cliffs of the west Mutou Valley under the Flaming Mountains,[2] and most of the surviving caves date from the Uyghur Kara-Khoja kingdom around the 10th to 13th centuries:

The Bezeklik Thousand Buddha Caves are complex of Buddhist cave grottos dating from the 5th to 14th century between the cities of Turpan and Shanshan (Loulan) at the north-east of the Taklamakan Desert near the ancient ruins of Gaochang in the Mutou Valley, a gorge in the Flaming Mountains, China.[1] They are high on the cliffs of the west Mutou Valley under the Flaming Mountains,[2] and most of the surviving caves date from the Uyghur Kara-Khoja kingdom around the 10th to 13th centuries

Early 15th century The painting on the right is entitled "The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin", early 15th century by Lorenzo Monaco. It depicts God in the sky with strange disc shaped clouds underneath. It is held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. https://www.extranormal.eu:

Early 15th century The painting on the right is entitled “The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin”, early 15th century by Lorenzo Monaco. It depicts God in the sky with strange disc shaped clouds underneath. It is held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Ancient lights:

Buddhist Wheel of Life!!! On the upper right of this painting is the a person or Buddha standing outside of the wheel pointing or address to the universe Some Wheel of Life Paintings have shown the way that we can walk out to the kingdom of the Buddha, some don't. WHAT DO WE KNOW???:

Divine Coincidences:


Pope Francis Says Intelligent ET Life Is "Part Of God's Plan" - Video | <b><i><a href="https://www.educatinghumanity.com">Educating Humanity</a></i></b>:


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